This is my entry into the Tots 100 and Morphy Richards Innovators Wanted competition.
When we viewed our house prior to buying it, the real selling point was the gorgeous bathroom with the large Roll Top bath and the Gothic style fixtures and fittings. This was the one room that was “done”, but the rest of the house needed work.
Suffice to say we bought the house and have spent the last 6 years doing it up. We never thought it would take so long, but as naive first time buyers you don’t understand the costs involved, but – I had my dream bathroom and a long relaxing soak in “that” bath was heavenly.
Eliza enjoying bathtime |
So where is this going you ask – why is it a domestic disaster?
In 2008 we welcomed another addition into the family – Isaac. My beautiful bouncing baby boy who grew into a bright inquisitive toddler with a particular love of water. He would spend an hour in the bath if he could and loved splashing and swimming and general water play.
In summer 2010 when he was 2, we had a new kitchen installed (finally). After a week of hard work, takeaways and stress it was finished but it was worth it – it looked gorgeous.
I was very protective of my nice new kitchen, and I was lovingly cleaning it whilst my three oldest took their little brother up for a bath.
Cue bath time disaster:
Add one Isaac, one big sister and two big brothers to keep an eye on him
One jug
I am not entirely sure what exactly happened next, but it was something along the lines of a water fight. They were told to stop and quieten down and that they did. Only it went too quiet!!
As a parent you know that eerie silence that means that they are doing something they shouldn’t be!
Water started appearing on the work surface of my lovely new kitchen. I thought hubby had spilt some from the kettle, but he denied all knowledge. It was only when we started to investigate where it was coming from that we realised it was dripping from the ceiling, down the brand new cupboards and pooling on the work surface.
A mad dash upstairs and we discovered Isaac merrily scooping up water in a jug and throwing it over the side of the bath! If you have ever seen a roll top bath you will know that it isn’t sealed to the wall but freestanding. Ours is surrounded by 3 walls so is inaccessible from all angles other than the front.
Isaac was hastily removed from said bath and I tried in vain to mop up the remaining water by trying to edge myself under the bath (which stands less than a foot off the floor) and thrust towels at the ever spreading puddle.
You would think that would be it – right?…………….Wrong
Hubby, seeing a crack in the kitchen ceiling where the water was dripping from decides in his infinite wisdom, to stick his finger in it……….The worst thing he could possibly ever do! A great big chunk of ceiling came down along with a shower of more mucky water.
The worst part is – we’ve still not fixed it as funds haven’t allowed.
Trying to disguise the hole with an empty tin! |
There are three morals of this story:
- roll top baths and young children don’t mix!!
- don’t let your teenagers bath a toddler as they love water play too!
- don’t let your DIY phobic hubby anywhere near a leak!
oh no…quite is always a warning sign isn’t it?
Yes, but it normally takes a minute or two to realise lol
What a great post – you had me captivated!!! Like reading a good novel 🙂
It does sound like a horrible disaster, but glad the boys were safe!!! hehe.
I love the bath, im jealous x
Thank you. I do love my bath too, just not with little people in it with jugs lol