Mothers Day Meme

I have been tagged (again) but the lovely Mummy Glitzer to take part on the Mothers Day Meme as created by More than a Mum.

Its a nice simple one, where I just answer a few questions, so here goes………

Describe motherhood in three words

Fun / Hardwork / Rewarding

Does your experience differ from your Mother’s – how?

Completely different – I was an only child so she just had me, whereas I have 5!!  My mum is very meticulous about cleaning and everything having its place, whereas I am more relaxed.  She hates coming to the chaos of my house!!

What’s the hardest thing about being a mum?

The sleep deprivation!!  I think in the early days it is expected and your body helps you cope with it, but when it continues well past those first few weeks it’s a killer!  Trying to be patient when you are tired is something that needs to be worked hard at. 

What’s the best thing?

The unconditional love, the cuddles, watching them grow into intelligent, happy (most of the time) young people.

How has it changed you?

I have been a parent now for over half my life so that’s a tough question.  I’m certainly more organised – well with 5 you just have to be!!

What do you fear for them?

I fear that their childhoods are slipping away far too quickly.  I used to love exploring my local village, building dens etc.  Nowadays you are worried if they wander too far and they would stay in glued to a games console given half a chance!

What makes it all worthwhile?

Those WOW moments – first steps / words / when they have that light bulb moment and suddenly understand what you have been teaching them.  When they are older a grunted “thanks mum” or “love you” means the world too!

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