The very lovely is currently holding an auction to raise money for a special Trike for our twitter friend @innocentcharmer‘s son Grayson.
Please see her post below and if you can help in any way at all we would be ever so grateful:
Who is Grayson & why does he need a trike?
Grayson is my very good friend Kara’s little boy. Grayson was born different than most children, but when you look at him you can’t tell, Grayson by definition is a SWAN – SWAN is a term given to Children/Adults who have “a Syndrome without a Name” Grayson has brain damage, severe Global Developmental Delay and is physically and mentally disabled.
You probably won’t have heard of many children like Grayson who don’t have a diagnosis as they are rare, they are not publicised about as they don’t have a “fashionable” condition, this doesn’t make them less important and worthy of support and treatment but unfortunately more often than not this is what happens.
Grayson at 3yo can still not walk or talk, his communicative skills are going to be a struggle and may never come, but physically although his body is weaker than you can imagine and his legs have little to no tone, it is possible Grayson could find a way to move.
Grayson unlike other boys and girls does not get to enjoy going to the park or playing as he is not capable, his weeks are made up of hours of physiotherapy, this is where the trike will help him tremendously! You see the trike will allow him to strengthen his legs and core muscles whilst he is having fun like every other little boy and girl, he will be able to go to the park with his little sister, side by side on their trikes. He won’t have to peddle as the special trike will do it for him moving his legs and working his hip joints that are currently failing him.
This special trike will allow gorgeous little Grayson to enjoy a section of his life but also hopefully help him to have a life in the future that he deserves.
The auction is currently live and finishes at 8pm on Sunday 8th April. If you don’t want to bid, but would like to donate anything, no matter how large or small, you can by going here:
Thank you
Thanks lovely for this post, very very kind of you xxx