Saturday is Caption Day – 9th June 2012 June 9, 2012 by Kara This picture was taken on the train on the way back from the Sainsburys Jubilee Festival. They don’t look very happy, do they? Share this:FacebookX
I spy with my little eye something beginning with D? Yup that’s right ‘disappointment’! (did you enjoy it? I’ve heard a few folks complaining about it) Reply
Are we nearly there yet
I spy with my little eye something beginning with D?
Yup that’s right ‘disappointment’!
(did you enjoy it? I’ve heard a few folks complaining about it)
We enjoyed parts of the day. It seemed very disorganised and far too much queuing!
Good job I brought my swimming kit is all I can say
I still can’t get how someone can do this every day!
…and I thought I was going to meet the Queen today
R we there yet(in Donkey’s voice)?