Along with the Christmas Fayre, today was the most anticipated event in the school year – the Summer Fete!!
For weeks, we have been sending in goodies for the Tombola, unwanted toys and toiletries and then finally cakes, on a home decorated paper plate.
Isaac was brimming with excitement, as officially this was his first school fete.
I have fond memories of watching kids doing gymnastic / karate / majorettes / dance displays in a little ribboned arena, and even the local line dancing troupe taking a turn, but today there was nothing!
Not exactly buzzing is it?
I counted just 10 stalls……….face painting, books, football, tombola, sweets, nerf shooting, burger, jewellery, baby clothing and cakes!!
Oh, and there was a bouncy castle obstacle course thing:
Talk about extortionate. I had to pay for Isaac to have a go as I had promised him he could go on the Bouncy Castle and it’s a good job it wasn’t suitable for Eliza and my mindee otherwise it would have cost me so much more. Whats more, Isaac only wanted to bounce but kept getting told to move on, so only actually got three go’s.
Weeeeeeeeeee |
There wasn’t even a raffle!
So, all in all, we were there less than an hour, and most of that time was taken up waiting for Isaac to get his face painted.
Batman |
I did get some bargain books though. 20p each and the Tonka one was brand new in its wrapper!
Come September, when Isaac has moved from Nursery into Reception, I am rejoining the PFA and I am determined that next year will be much better!!
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