Last night was one of those nights where we had a child who, for no apparent reason just didn’t want to sleep. She didn’t have a big sleep in the day, although she did have the excitement of lots of relatives visiting as it was Daddy’s Birthday.
How could you be cross with this? |
I was very lucky that she was happy and not grizzling or clingy, but it is still incredibly frustrating when all you want to do is put your feet up and relax.
I tweeted my frustration and got so many tweets back from parents in the same boat. In fact TheMummyBlogger beat me to it and wrote this fabulous post.
Bedtime is such an emotive subject amongst parents and there are so many guides out there on how to get your child to sleep, from Gina Ford to Super Nanny. Everyone seems to have a different opinion.
My oldest two slept well as babies, the next two were a blooming nightmare and Eliza has her moments. Now that they are older I think we have a good routine, but I did enlist the help of Childcareisfun to help with sleep training Isaac as he was such a nightmare. She can even tailor a plan for you to suit your own routines.
I have older children as well as little ones and am shocked by how late that some parents allow their children to stay up at night – especially playing XBox or other such computer games. We have had many an argument discussion with the older children explaining why we are asking them to switch off their consoles whilst all their friends are still online playing and chatting.
There are always going to be times when rules are bent, but I like to think we are consistent.
Isaac – age 4, goes to bed at 7pm on a school night and 7.30pm at the weekend. If he has even the slightest of power naps in the day, this goes out the window so you often see me getting him up and dancing if he even so much as stifles a yawn.
My 11 year old is allowed XBox until 8.30pm and then it’s wind down time until 9pm when it is his bedtime. We extend this at weekends but he is always in bed by 10pm.
My 15 year old is allowed XBox until 9.30pm and then it’s bed at 10pm when he is with us, but I know when he is at his dads that he stays up until all hours.
Eliza doesn’t have a strict routine and I tend to cuddle her to sleep, as she ends up keeping Isaac awake otherwise. However, she is normally in bed and asleep by 8-8.30pm.
So, what are your tried and tested methods?
Were your children all good sleepers?
My first two were good sleepers, I can’t wake the teen up these days, but Syd, my ten month old is a Pain- last night he was up til almost 11, like Eliza, he hadn’t overnapped, he wasn’t grumpy, he was just awake and busy! He is rarely asleep before ten, but am considering some sleep training soon as would love a chance to relax in the evenings!
best thing we ever did – 4 nights of pain and now a child who sleeps through (mostly)
Mine are 9 and 11. They have always both been good at going down at night. They both tend to go to bed at the same time (fewer arguements & easier to manage) In the week that is ready for bed and computer off by 8.00, then wind down, drink and reading and bed at 8.45ish. Generally we don’t have so much routine at weekends. If we haven’t been out or got family round then they are generally in bed by 10.00. I have to say I like some ‘us time’ with OH and it gets harder and harder as they go to bed later and later. the trials of growing kids
It does get more challenging as they get older. Ideally we would like another reception room and often they want to stay up later than us!
My two are 6 and 3 (youngest is just 2 months off his 4th birthday).
We were so strict with our first son, and always did bath at 6pm, followed by PJs and story, then bed by 7pm.
Since our second son came along, we were concerned he’d wake up his brother, so we were more lenient.
Both boys now go to bed at 8pm – especially since they now share a room and have bunkbeds.
With my eldest, I’d put him down and leave the room, doing controlled crying to get him to sleep when he was tiny. This has led him to being a good sleeper. He slept from 7pm until 7am from the age of 6 months.
My youngest is more stubborn. He’ll cry for hours if you don’t go to him. So I’ve always given in, for an easy life.
Hence he still gets me up a couple of times a night, for a cuddle.
I just think every child is different. But also depending on birth order, parents can be more or less strict.
It is always more of a challenge when you have more than one, as there are others to consider.
Eliza does wake at night and spring up to get her so she doesn’t wake the others up – probably a bad habit that we need to get out of!
I have no words of wisdom, but all mine go to bed at 7 – I need it for my sanity! If my husband is home then the eldest who is 4 1/2 will go at 7.30. Friends with only one child let them stay up later, but I guess thats because they can entertain themselves…..
I think that is a good time – I know Isaac is crabby if he has a late night and I suffer the consequences the next day!