The Olympic Torch Relay – Bournemouth

I haven’t really been following the Olympic Torch relay as it travelled around the country, but when it finally arrived on the south coast I decided that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see something special.

We prepared for the day by making our very own Olympic Torch, courtesy of TinyTigs, which Isaac thoroughly enjoyed.

When the day finally arrived I decided to head to the nearest point to our house that the torch was travelling, as Bournemouth Town Centre looked too busy.

We met up with Nanny, Auntie Gemma and a few friends and I was surprised by how many people turned out for it.  There was a real carnival feel to it, with a marching band playing and children waving flags.

Thankfully the weather held off and it stayed dry.  Excitement was building as we saw the initial procession go past.

We waited another five minutes before the torch arrived to lots of cheering and whistling.  Sadly my picture of it isn’t very good as some idiot woman ran out in front of it, but I got a glimpse.  
And then it was over!
After such a long build up the Olympics are almost here – I can’t wait!

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