Dreaming of Sailing away on the Seven Seas

Have you ever thought about taking your children on a Cruise?

If I am honest, I hadn’t as I had always associated cruises with the older generation.  That was until my friends came back from their family cruise gushing about how wonderful it was.

With a cruise, there is no better way to see the world.  By day, tick off a list of iconic places and by night, fill up on fine food and entertainment!  My dream is to cruise around the Nordic Fjords and witness the miracle that is the Northern Lights and taking the little ones to meet Santa, although I am sure the older children would much prefer somewhere hot with lots of sunshine and the chance to splash about in warm seas.

With Thomson Cruise Holidays they take the stress of entertaining the kids away from you with their fantastic  action packed clubs – Kidzone, for children aged 3-12 and Palmy for ages 3-11.   Thomson’s Kidzone offers junior cruisers aged 3 to 12 a place to make new friends, while Island Cruises’ Palmy provides plenty of fun for 3 to 11-year-olds. They’re both brimming with creative play, there’s everything from storytelling to team challenges and mini discos on the activity menu.

Plus Thomson have put children’s choices into their eateries to make picking child-sized portions a piece of cake and with their child-friendly offers you get more for your money on their cruises.
  • Child prices apply to children up to the age of 16
  • Children don’t pay cabin supplements
  • 7-night cruises from £249 per child
  • 14 night cruises from £299 per child
With Thomson you can choose from number of wonderful destinations to visit, from the Caribbean to The Red Sea, to Scandanavia & The Baltic to The Mediterrean and even Canary Islands and Morocco.  What a fantastic way to show your children the world.

For now I shall have to keep on dreaming, but one day my lottery numbers might just come up!!

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