Since having chickenpox, Eliza has decided that sleep is for wimps and has become an absolute nightmare to get to bed in the evening.
Here is a photo of Daddy trying his best to persuade Eliza it is time to sleep, but the look on her face suggests otherwise.
What do you think she is saying?
Gerroff me, Daddy, I want to go and play!
Daddy wanted to play sleeping lions again!
sighs daddy you are snoring me!
I wish I didn’t have to lie down with him until he goes to sleep every night.
Ah, sorry she is not sleeping but this photo is gorgeous!!! I can’t come up with a caption because everytime I look at it,
Oh dear! Pressed send!
…everytime I look at it, I just think’Ah!’ it’s lovely! x
MWAHAHAHA now I’ve got daddy to sleep, VICTORY IS MINE!
Dad was telling me a story and then just went to sleep, men!
Once I m sure he is asleep the mischief can begin!
Boy can dad snore.
Herding Cats
My nappy didn’t smell that bad dad! X
I think enough is enough dad…I need a wee!!
Dad wispers ” You need MUMMY to change your nappy “
I know it’s sleep time……..but he smells funny!?!?
“Dad….you’re squashing me!”
Sleep is for the weak dad – can’t I stay up and blog like mummy?