There are few times in life when something stops you and makes you take stock of your life.
Today was one of those days!
It was around 10.30 this morning when my phone rang in Asda. Typical me, with a huge bag I didn’t get to it in time but I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my mum. Thinking it was perhaps news about my car I rang back all chirpy but was met with “are you sitting down?”
Clearly I wasn’t (shopping with two under 2’s) but told her to go ahead. My step-dad broke his arm last week and had had an operation to insert a plate on Friday, so assumed it was something to do with that. What followed shook me to the core!
My sister (well step-sister), died yesterday of a heart attack!!
But it was true. At just 37 years old (younger than me), she had a heart attack and they could not resuscitate her!
By now I was a tearful mess in the middle of a supermarket unable to comprehend the news, but as anyone with young children know, had to compose myself. It was only a matter of weeks since I last saw her and she was happy, cheerful and looked well.
Our childhood wasn’t an easy one, we used to be neighbours and best friends, wishing that we were sisters. That wish came true, but as we got older we clashed and fell out as siblings often do, over stupid things like makeup and boys!
We drifted apart, only occasionally meeting at family get togethers. She came to my wedding but apparently started causing trouble so was peacefully ejected after one too many shandies.
She was always invited to various family occasions but always declined and we never found that closeness we had as children, but we were back talking.
She worked locally in a shop and I’d always pop in and say Hello if passing. I have fond memories of her grabbing Isaac or Eliza out of their pram and proudly waltzing them around the shop showing them off to her colleagues as her nephew/niece, and we’d natter until she received the glare from her manager that she should be working.
How I wish now, that I’d pushed to meet up. One of her boys was the same age as Callan (just 4 weeks apart) and the other is 8 and would have got on so well with my tribe.
Now it’s too late.
She has been taken away, far too soon.
RIP little sister – love you lots X X
How awful. I am so sorry x
It’s a huge shock for you. I’m sorry you both didn’t have longer to completely heal things, but it seems things were moving towards that x
Thank you ladies xx
I’m really sorry for your loss honey. Big big hugs xxxxx I know that only time will heal the wounds xxxx
Gosh that’s a terrible shock for you. How sad for her children too. Perhaps when you have all had a little time to grieve you could still introduce your children? Am sure her children would appreciate your childhood takes of their mum, especially as they get older. Lots of love to you at this sad time xxx