When I was working full time I used to rely on my slow cooker for healthy evening meals, but the poor thing has been hidden away in a cupboard feeling very unloved for the last 18 months or so.
I then saw my loved twitter friends @TheLadyCatalina and @annieqpr having a discussion about Beef Brisket Chilli done in the slow cooker and I just had to try if for myself.
Here is Cat’s recipe:
1.5kg Beef brisket
Tin of chopped tomatoes
Tin of chickpeas
X3 tbsp tomato puree
X3 tbsp Bisto granules or x2 Oxo cubes (not mixed with water)
X2 onions red/white chunky chopped
Mushrooms chunky chopped
X3 mixed bell peppers chunky chopped
Garlic puree to taste
Hot chilli powder to taste
Oregano, basil, sage, salt and pepper to taste.
Olive oil
1) Chunky chop onions, peppers and mushrooms and keep to one side.
2) Put tinned tomatoes, chickpeas, tomato puree, garlic puree, Bisto granules/Oxo cubes, herbs, chilli and seasoning into slow cooked and set to “low”.
3) Chop brisket into palm sized chunks, sprinkle with any of the herbs and brown on both sides.
4) While brisket is browning, add onions, peppers and mushrooms to slow cooker and mix well.
5) Once brisket is browned, transfer to slow cooker with tongs etc and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
6) Leave on “low” heat for at least 6 hours. Stir the chilli and taste to check for any extra herbs, chilli or seasoning needed. Ensure beef is tender enough that it easily breaks up before serving.
You can serve with anything you choose e.g:
Basmati rice
Jacket potatoes
Garlic bread
Not only is it easy to do, but you can make it to your own taste. I am not a fan of chickpeas so they were replaced with kidney beans for a more authentic Chilli and Cat has assured that Cannelloni beans can make it go further too.
The only thing I would do next time is:
1) Go out when it is cooking as it smelled divine and I was hungry ALL day, waiting for dinner!
2) Add a bit more Chilli Powder – I love my Chilli hot, hot, hot!!
I was expecting to have to freeze lots but with two ravenous boys and a hungry hubby, we only had a small portion to store which they had the next day.
If you are still not sure then check out what @AnnieQPR had to say to:
I do have a chilli recipe but my daughter doesn’t seem enamored with it, even though it has chocolate in it. I may try this one. Thanks for joining into Slow Cooker Sunday.