I am now 24 weeks pregnant and time is going past very quickly, although I am sure it will slow down again when I finish work.
This week I had my consultant appointment and a scan, and am happy to report that all is going well.
The insulin to control my Gestational Diabetes has helped to slow babies growth and although his tummy is still on the large side, the rest of his body is catching up. The dietitian is also pleased with how I am adjusting my levels to accommodate different foods and exercise.
It has now been confirmed that I will be induced, as I was with Isaac and Eliza, at 38 weeks which means no Britmums for me. Whilst I am absolutely gutted I cannot be there, I will be following the events as closely as I can from wherever I may be.
Sadly, they wouldn’t give me a scan picture – it’s all about the money saving now so I have no picture to share with you, but I have to have a scan every 2 weeks now until baby arrives, so I may get to sneak in another if I am lucky.
Next on the agenda is trying to decide and agree on a name and we are stuck!!