My Dream Bathroom

To the naked eye I have a stunning bathroom.  It was one of the things that sold our house to us, but it was 5 years old when we moved in and that was 8 years ago and things are starting to go wrong – badly wrong!

Looking at it, it still looks gorgeous from afar, so what is wrong with it?
  • It has no storage!
  • The sink and bath sit on wrought iron, gothic style frames which are badly corroded and I am forever sweeping up the rust flakes (very frustrating)
  • The cistern of the toilet keeps breaking and water overflows
  • The tiles in the shower are loose and leak – we cannot use the shower without water coming through the kitchen ceiling
  • Much as the bath is beautiful, it is not practical with young children.  They splash despite best efforts to prevent it and when they do the water runs behind it, down the wall and into the kitchen
  • I really struggle to clean under and behind the bath – especially when pregnant!
  • I really don’t like gold colour taps and accessories!
The damage it has caused desperately need to be repaired, but we can’t do this until we have fixed what is causing it!

Top photo is caused by the bath, bottom by the shower!
We have been getting bathroom quotes recently, but when I saw that Tots100 were offering a competition to win a new bathroom I just had to enter as I was shocked about how much everything actually costs.  You don’t realise that fitting costs as much as the bathroom itself, plus most companies sell the taps, waste etc on top of the suite, and then there are the tiles – it was a real eye opener!

Currently my dream bathroom is a practical one and I lust after storage for all the practical items as well as the kids bath toys!  My other “want” is a mirror with LED lights framing it – I have even seen one that connects to bluetooth on your phone so you can play music – WOW!!

Having had dark tiles for so long, that show up every splash and mark, I would also love something light and bright (and easy to clean) and I adore this idea of a feature strip either side of the sink!

The competition is sponsored by Bathshop321 and there are 12 suites to choose from.

I have chosen the Alpha Cubic Modern Bathroom Suite Inc Waterfall Taps and I would upgrade the bath to a 6 jet whirlpool – what a treat to relax in!

The modern lines and funky taps really appeal to me after living with such a traditional bathroom for so long.


The actual layout of the bathroom would remain the same, although the bath would be a 1700mm and fixed to the back and side walls to help prevent any splashes getting anywhere other than back in the bath!

I look forward to have a low level toilet again, and the space above will be used for more storage and instead of having a shower and tray, I would love a proper wet room type set up which will further waterproof the bathroom!

I might even let hubby put a TV up on the wall above the bath as he currently takes the iPad in there to watch the football and I am paranoid that he will drop it in the water!!

If you need a new bathroom, why not enter too.  The competition is open until 26th April at 5pm!

5 thoughts on “My Dream Bathroom”

  1. If I could have a new bathroom I would wish for a bath. We only have a shower in our house and I miss my bath so much! A luxury I can no longer have. I love the modern style you are looking at. Stylish and minimal. Great choice! xx


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