With the majority of us having more than enough to do on a daily basis, keeping on top of housework is often an additional harassment. Time is a precious commodity, so conserve it by making your housework as simple and swift as possible. Follow these top tips for keeping your home in tip top condition.
1. Gleaming glass can really lift the look of your bathroom, so give your shower screens a good going-over with a glass cleaner. Scrape away stubborn build-up and apply a water repellent product to dry doors. This repellence keeps your shower screens shinier for longer and makes cleaning them much less maddening.
2. Similarly, soap scum build-up can be equally stubborn but don’t expend too much elbow grease. Use a disposable, straight-edged, plastic spreader, the type that’s normally used to manipulate fillers and scrape away the soap scum swiftly and effectively.
3. An additional tip to help achieve a streak-free finish to your glass and surfaces is to use microfiber cloths. The fibres in the cloths rub together to create static that attracts dust and dirt particles. They are sharp enough to be effective scourers but not so abrasive as to scratch surfaces.
4. When it comes to maintaining hard flooring, invest in a cleaner that’s designed to deal with tarnished tiles. Bin your bacteria-harbouring mop and bucket for quicker and more sanitary cleaning.
5. Grease and grime are bound to build up in your kitchen, particularly in those areas that are less likely to be regularly wiped down, such as the cabinet shelving. Cut through this grease quickly and easily by using a hot sponge. Heat up a damp sponge in the microwave for a few seconds, spray the cupboards and simply wipe the surfaces clean.
6. For a simple solution to removing unsightly pet hair, wrap a sponge in duct tape and roll it over your furry furniture. The sticky tape traps the hair and is easy to work into the nooks and crannies of your couch.
7. Vacuuming is a vital household task, so when the time comes, make sure you’re at your most efficient. Check the dust compartment on your vacuum cleaner before you commence and avoid the annoyance of having to empty it midway though your task. Make sure you scan the carpet for any objects that may cause havoc to your cleaner and dedicate the majority of your time to the more heavily-trafficked areas of the home.
8. Keep your oven clean by using a drip pan to collect any debris that bubbles over when you’re baking.
9. Loosen dried-on grease and grime by putting a bowl of boiling water in your oven for 20 minutes. Keep the door closed and the steam will help to make shifting stubborn spillages much easier.
10. Whether it’s your cooker or your carpets, cleaning stains and spillages as they arise makes keeping your home clean much less of a mammoth task.
**this is a commissioned post**