Because of the risks with Gestational Diabetes it was agreed that I would be induced at 38 weeks – my date for induction 19th June, although from previous experience I know this is subject to change.
I was told to phone in on 18th June at 7am to confirm my bed and was surprised when they advised me to come in that same morning.
I was assessed and hooked up to the monitors where I stayed for an hour as they struggled to trace baby’s heartbeat – he was wriggling too much, much to everyone’s amusement!
After finally getting a decent trace it was time for the hormone pessary called Propess which softens the cervix and helps prepare it for labour. This is to stay in place for 24 hours and to add insult to injury, I was given some gorgeous support stockings as apparently my age, recent travel history and number of children mean’t I was high risk!
I started getting niggly, tightening pains straight away and was hoping that it may be a quicker progress than planned – sadly I was mistaken and an examination at 6pm confirmed that I was no further on from where I was that morning!
Hubby went home for some dinner and a sleep at 8pm so I settled down and watched some TV. At 10pm I decided to settle down and try and get some sleep but the people on the ward had other ideas.
A foreign couple arrived just after and were put in the bed opposite me. The let hubby stay to settle her in, along with a friend but I’ve never known anyone talk so loudly before. The midwives eventually evicted him at half past midnight!
Then there was the lady who needed gas & air – not the quietest equipment in the world. She was in quite a lot of distress so they ended up moving her to a side room.
At 1am it was time for my obs, so by the time they finished it was 1.30am.
I was them woken at 4.30am by my next door roomie in serious pain. They examined her and whisked her downstairs at 5am – she delivered 20 mins later. Hope her hubby made it in in time!
So that was me up for the day……lets hope I get some sleep tonight!
Ohh I hope you manage to get some sleep today. Sounds like baby will be arriving soon!! 🙂
Ooo i was induced at 38w for the same reason with my 3rd. It wasn’t exactly an exciting process. 🙂
I hated being induced; it was horrible, painful and just generally crap. And why is it your baby is the quiet one and you’re disturbed by everyone else?! Bah!