Comedy Boobs

OK, so you’re probably here under false pretences now.

Comedy Boobs (full credit to @ruralmummy for the name) are the boobs that you get approximately 3 days onwards after giving birth.
I feel like my bazooka’s are ready to burst !  Not only are they rock hard -I feel like Elizabeth Hurleys’s character, Vanessa Kensington in Austin Powers, where I could take aim and send high velocity milk at you which would be powerful enough to knock you off your feet, but they are humongous too!
This is the only time in my life that I can honestly say that I have a rack to rival Jordan.   My poor spaniels ears look perkier than they have in years, not that I am complaining.
They are however, not sexy, not comfortable and poor Sebastian is struggling.
Bless him, he’s been working hard to get my milk to come in but now it’s like “whoah – where’s that come from” and “how do I make it stop?”.
Firstly, latching onto a rock hard boob that’s bigger than your own head is tough enough as it is.  The slightest suck and he’s bombarded with tidal waves of milk that just won’t stop flowing. Trust me, I am sure my milk would reach the other side of the room the let down is that strong!

So now I am at the leaky boob / wet top stage, with the addition of sore nipples to add to the mix too.

If you are reading this and deciding whether to attempt breastfeeding, do it!!  I have breastfed all 5 of my previous children well into toddlerhood and despite these initial problems, they soon disappear and your body sorts itself out, with supply and demand to match your baby’s needs.

Sore nipples are common in the first couple of weeks and if the latch is correct, they soon settle down (although can highly recommend Lansinoh to help relieve them), but if you are struggling then don’t be afraid of seeking help – it really is worth it!

Just make sure you have a good, comfortable nursing bra, oodles of breast pads, Lansinoh nipple cream and a sense of humour!!


27 thoughts on “Comedy Boobs”

  1. I remember it well! And I would also totally recommend breastfeeding. Any problems, however bad they seem at the time, are very short-lived.

  2. I remember the shock of this happening with my first baby. Nobody had told me about it! My mum never breastfed so had no advice for me. Baby was on open heart bypass machine. After all his ops I ony managed six weeks of feeding him as tube feeding was the best option for survival.

    However with my three girls, I knew to expect so embraced my comedy boobs! So proud I managed to feed them all successfully. Still feeding number four but now of course her head is bigger than my boob so it is a completely different “boob game”.

    Great post. Congratuluations and enjoy baby! 🙂 xxx

  3. I am now only 6 weeks pregnant but my boobs were the first sign – they are growing at alarming rates!!!!

    But you are so right about them not being sexy when you first start feeding!! The sore, hard boobs is not fun at all!

  4. loving the name! congratulations first of all! found your blog via blog hop!
    i loved breastfeeding my son but only could do full 9 weeks before doing 50%/50% with bottle feeding up until 6 month. hoping with my future kids i can enjoy it for longer! x

  5. Popping over from the mid week blog hop, just the title of this post made me chuckle!!! I remember these days oh to well x

  6. Fab post! It is quite hilarious isn’t it! I remember trying cabbage leaves in my bra…not that it did much! 🙂

  7. Congratulations! and yes, I remember it well, I even tried cabbage leaves in my bra to soothe…not that it did much…:-)

  8. My milk would hit the back of my sons throat and he would actually gag. Non-parent friends would stare aghast I would do this to me baby but after the initial gag he was fine! Took me right back- hope the boobies soften soon (oddest thing Ive ever said to a stranger?)

    • Haa haa – i love the sound of the milk hitting the roof of their mouth once they get the hang of it though – reassures you that they’re getting what they need!

  9. Stopping over from the Mad Midweek Blog Hop. Lovely post! Really nice to read especially after a hideous day shopping for a swimming costume! We have all been there! Look forward to reading more of your posts!


  10. “A rack to rival Jordan” You made me {almost} spit the milk from my cereal over my monitor. Thanks for that! lol! I totally understand though, being an ample boobed woman myself, feeding my Ellie {now 8} was a giggle. I had to hold my boob back from her face as it just…covered it! lol! That and my milk flow was insane. When she was in the SCBU I was expressing 180ml every 4hrs. Moooooo!! haha.

    Great post, thanks for linking up with this weeks Mad Mid-Week Blog Hop! xx


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