I cannot believe it’s been 4 weeks since Sebastian arrived – he really is a good baby and apart from Eliza sharing her cold is doing well.
Physically I am feeling much better and am getting out and about a bit more but still have to be careful not to do too much. I attempted strapping Sebastian’s car seat into the car yesterday and over-stretched myself a little – ouch!
As for the scar, it is healing nicely although it really stings now. I am not sure if its because I have reduced my medication or the fact that its the natural healing process but it’s not particularly comfortable. I have am also noticing after pains a lot more when I am breastfeeding.
I have to say after such brilliant care in hospital that I am struggling a little bit now as have so many unanswered questions.
I was signed off by the midwife in a hurry, saw the Health Visitor the next day and that’s it – nothing until my 6 week check. I am aware that after 6 children I am an experienced mum, but this is my first Caesarian and I don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t in terms of recovery.
As for the rest of my health, I am currently sat in the pathology waiting room having my GTT done to see if my diabetes has gone. I have to say this is one of the things I dread as a new baby in a packed hospital waiting room and nowhere to feed them isn’t pleasant.
Emotionally I am a bit up and down but think its just tiredness kicking in. I seem to have a tag team of children awake at different times of the night, so am going to have to do some serious sleep training and very soon!
Hope it all went ok with the GTT test. I refused pain killers after my section as they sent me a bit batty last time and I had a few twinges here and there. They’ve only just passed as Baby L is now 13.5 weeks so don’t rush yourself. Best wishes hun x