Persil Power Pro

A few weeks ago we were sent some Persil Power Pro dishwasher tablets to test.

Being a larger family our dishwasher gets used a lot and is often stacked within an inch of its life. The teens don’t rinse their plates either which often means they need need to be washed up when they come back out, especially if the food has dried on.

I have never got on with a shops own brand dishwasher tablets so always buy Finish or Fairy, depending what was on offer at the time……this is now going to change.

I really recommend Persil Power Pro!

I thought there was something wrong with my dishwasher as the glasses never came out sparkling like they do on the adverts and I was forever re-washing plates and cutlery……. not any more thanks to Persil.

If really does clean everything effectively – even my griddle came out cleaner than its been in ages, my glasses sparkle again, the cutlery is gleaming and the pots, pans and plates are squeaky clean!  I prefer the lemon scent as it freshens the dishwasher too.

It is competitively priced but I have only found it in Sainsbury’s so far.  Hopefully the other supermarkets will start stocking it soon.

  • Persil PowerPro Originals 15 = £5.25
  • Persil PowerPro Lemon Burst 15 = £5.25
  • Persil PowerPro Originals 30 = £9.30
  • Persil PowerPro Lemon Burst 30 = £9.30
  • Persil PowerPro Originals 45 = £13.50
  • Persil PowerPro Lemon Burst 45 = £13.50

1 thought on “Persil Power Pro”

  1. Seriously embarrassing review – gushing about stuff you get for free has zero credibility. Glasses never came out shining with Finish or Fairy? PLEASE!


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