Please help me find my inner “Roar”
Am I still in my baby moon period as someone suggested yesterday?
I just don’t seem to be able to get my brain to process at the moment – My fridge / freezer has broken down twice in two weeks, leaving us without any way of keeping our good chilled which in this weather, a young family and me not able to drive has been a nightmare.
Normally I am good in these situations, after all I spent years telling strong willed, stubborn traders they’d booked their trades wrongly and really having to fight my corner. Now I find myself struggling to put pen to paper to right a firm letter of complaint, and as for the telephone conversation – the customer adviser kept talking over me and instead of politely asking her to shut up and listen I ended up bursting into tears of frustration!
I am also struggling to discipline the children – they seem to just ignore me at the moment and it is very frustrating. They are worse when I am feeding the baby, but seem to have figured out that I can’t move quite as quickly at the moment – I have to admit I am dreading the school holidays!
I am also struggling to discipline the children – they seem to just ignore me at the moment and it is very frustrating. They are worse when I am feeding the baby, but seem to have figured out that I can’t move quite as quickly at the moment – I have to admit I am dreading the school holidays!
Please tell me in not going mad – did this happen to you?
I think its the loss of control. I’ve felt like this through our homeless situation. I guess the fact you are physically restricted is causing this in your case. I am sure once you are able to drive and move about more easily you will regain the control and have the kids back in shape. And mentally will be more able to roar when needed! As for now, just concentrate on allowing your body to heal. The last thing you want to do is do too much and put yourself back xx
Oh gosh I think it is COMPLETELY normal when you have such a tiny new chap in the house. Hormones, tiredness, all the physical recovery will all contribute to leaving you without enough fight. Am sure you will be kicking arse again very soon tho! 🙂