While it is certainly a bit premature for Kate to be thinking about losing any baby weight (you have to admit, she looks perfectly flawless anyway!), if you are a new mum like me and are looking to shift a little extra baby weight, we have compiled these safe and easy to follow tips to help you get back on track…
Don’t Start Dieting Too Soon
Not only is it important to relax after having a baby, giving you time to bond with your new baby, it is also essential that you give your body time to recover from the labour. It is best to wait until after your six week postpartum check-up before reducing your calorie intake with a new diet. For those breastfeeding, experts recommend that you should actually wait until the baby is at least two months old before beginning a low calorie diet plan.
Choose a Long-Term Diet
The amount of weight that you gain during a pregnancy can vary from mother to mother, however if you find that you have gained more weight than you are comfortable with, keep in mind that the most effective way to lose the weight (and keep it off) is with a long-term diet. There are so many long-term diets to choose from such as a
Have Realistic Expectations
Before starting your diet, you should have realistic expectations in mind in regards to your weight loss. A woman’s body can change quite dramatically during pregnancy, so remember to start with little goals and understand that you may not be able to bounce back as quickly as others – keeping this in mind will help you to continue with a healthy weight loss.
Don’t Skip Meals
Looking after a new-born baby can be quite hectic and, although you will be quite busy, it is vital that you don’t neglect your own meals. Skipping meals will not only impact those valuable energy levels, it will also affect your metabolism – which could ruin your attempts to shed those pounds.
Make Time for Exercise
Considering how busy any new mum is, adding exercise into the mix is sure to sound literally impossible. However, as a new mum, it is important to have regular ‘me time’ – this can be anything from taking a leisurely bike ride, perfect to clear your head. If you do not already have a bike then
If you are thinking about losing baby weight, remember to consult your GP before trying a new diet.