Our 6 week check has come around do quickly it almost took me by surprise……apart from the fact I’ve been counting down the days until I can drive again.
Knowing full well that my Doctors Surgery always runs late I arrived bang on time for our appointment and was surprised to be called in within 5 minutes. I was relieved to see my favourite doctor too – little things like that make you feel more relaxed.
We had the usual discussion about how I was feeling, any concerns for Sebastian and that awkward contraception chat. I can never understand how people get pregnant straight after having a baby – it’s the farthest thing from my mind for a long long time afterwards!
I asked her to check my wound as it has been stinging / aching and thankfully everything is fine. I winced when she examined my tummy and she quite graphically explained how a Caesarian was done – not a gentle operation then!
Next it was Sebastian’s turn. Now my little man hates being undressed and having been fast asleep in his pram made his objection very clear! The doctor tried to listen to his chest and have up because he was making so much noise!
He was weighed – 10lb!! I knew he liked his food but that’s some gain from the 6lb he dropped to after he was born.
She spent quite some time examining his hips and asked if they’d been scanned which worried me. She then said there wasn’t anything wrong but I shall keep an eye. He was still objecting to being naked so was fighting her even move, before taking aim!
I asked about his tummy button as its quite swollen and he has an umbilical hernia. Apparently it’s very common and won’t do him any harm. They hope it should right itself as he grows and his muscles get stronger but I need to keep an eye on it.
I got Sebastian dressed and managed to settle him so she listened to his heart and lungs and then sent us on our way.
It all seemed a bit rushed and I still have a few concerns about my recovery. I don’t know when I can start exercising, what exercises I can do. At the moment its just walking but I am keen to start swimming if I ever find a spare hour in the day. But for now I shall leave with a picture of my gorgeous little man.