Project 365 – Week 34

When isn’t it a manic week in the ChelseaMamma household, but this week has been especially so as hubby has had a week off and Kian has celebrated his 13th birthday.

Instead of my normal photo collage, this week demands individual photographs from each day.

229.  OK, so we actually stayed in today but I caught up on a little housework before the family settled down to watch Chelsea’s first match of the season and the return of the “Special One”.  I think you will agree that Sebastian looks adorable in his first Chelsea outfit, and I got to wear the t-shirt hubby bought me at Stamford Bridge a couple of weeks ago!

Sports Baby UK
230. Today we were invited to Longleat for the launch of Jungledogs, but the highlight of the day was exploring the grounds, taking part in the Deadly 60 challenge and of course the safari.  This little guy took a shine to our car and rode around the whole of the Monkey enclosure with us, much to Eliza’s delight! (He did steal my aerial ball though.)

231. Kian was 13 today, so we have another teenager in the house.  He spend the morning Coasteering at Dancing Ledge in Dorset and after a short rest we all headed out for a birthday meal at Nando’s.

Studland Sea School


232.  Today we had carpets fitted in the kid’s bedrooms in preparation for the boys new bed.  They were laid surprisingly quickly before the bed building began, which took much much longer!!

Sleepland Beds
Notice the boss at the end with the instructions!
Sleepland Beds

233.  I finished sorting out all the old toys and clothes from the boys bedroom and then we headed down to Poole Quay in the evening for Fish & Chips and fireworks.

Summer Breeze
Summer Breeze

234.  I bought hubby a SkyDive for his 40th birthday and today was the day it was happening.  Kian knew he was coming to watch, but what he didn’t realise is that he was also going up in a plane for a trial flying lesson as he has never flown before.  We had a fantastic day and the memories will last forever!

Go SkyDive

Go SkyDive

Go Fly

Go Fly
235.  Today my Sister in Law was at Creamfields so we looked after my niece and decided at day at Adventure Wonderland was in order.  The kids had a whale of a time and my highlight of the day was Isaac and Eliza meeting Boo the Owl!

Adventure Wonderland

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

3 thoughts on “Project 365 – Week 34”

  1. what superb photos from your week! that birthday cake looks great and what a cool way to spend a birthday! and look and daddy doing a sky dive! you must all be knackered now – well, maybe just you then!!!! it nis hard to tire my two out lol x x


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