Project 365 – Week 37

It hasn’t been the best week in the ChelseaMamma household.  Hubby has had the snip so has been out of action and unable to do too much.  Sebastian has been poorly and the poor mite had a nasty temperature for 3 days – thankfully he is much better now and is starting to get back to normal and Eliza has forgotten the art of sleep.

Isaac, however, has been a star.  After an initial “word” from his new teacher about his behaviour, I was super proud when he came home with a certificate and an invitation to see him be celebrated in a Celebration Assembly on Monday for hard work and good behaviour.

After disappointing GCSE results Callan has been allowed to continue with his A-Levels although he does have to re-take English and Kian has settled back into school well and has a trip to Paris to look forward to (lucky thing).

Here is my week in pictures……..


250.  Pirate fun at Charlie’s Birthday Party
251.  My little fashionista chose a dress with wellies for the school run……she was right as it started raining!
252.  Poorly Sebastian
253.  Scooter racing
254.  Isaac brings home Peanut the class teddy to meet the family
255.  Eliza enjoying her new Ben & Holly Book
256.  Soft Play hell fun

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

7 thoughts on “Project 365 – Week 37”

  1. may i make a little wide crack and just say that i should think your hubby is out of ‘action’ after having the snip!!!
    i love the face to palm shot, not because your Sebastian is poorly but at how perfect his fingers and faceial features are.
    we have Ben & Holly fans here too
    i hope hubby and Sebastian are better now x

  2. Aw it does sound like one if those weeks, we had one too! I hope Sebastian is better it is so horrid when they are that little. Your daughter and mine would definitely get on as A is always in her wellies come rain or shine


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