Swizzels Matlow, the makers of Love Hearts, Drumstick Lollies and Parma Violets has a stocking full of sweet treats this Christmas.
Following the popularity of the Sweet Shop Favourites tin a new gift box format will be available this year, also containing Swizzel Matlow’s most iconic sweets making them perfect as a gift or for sharing with the family.
You can purchase Gift Tubes for as little as £1 which feature Drumsticks, Love Hearts and new Refreshers and are available in most supermarkets.
Swizzels Matlow have also teamed up with One Direction and introduced 1D Love Hearts available in a tub or gift tube from Asda.
The new sweet extravaganza is the ideal Christmas stocking filler. The extra long tube contains Swizzels Matlow most popular products and will be available in most supermarkets.
To Enter:
a Rafflecopter giveawayWin competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com
Oh my now that’s a very hard question I love all sweets!. I think Pink Shrimps are my all time favourite
Parma violets. x
today ermm toffee bon bons x
turkish delights! mmm.
Flying Saucers. They melt on your tongue to reveal tasty sherbet inside.. Yum!
I love jelly sweets!
Love Hearts!
Fizzy cola bottles
I love drumstick lollies 🙂
Jelly sweets of any kind ;o) (Rafflecopter entries in my real name Nikki Hayes)
Drumsticks are my favourite!
fudge. Yum!
Toffee pennys
Fruit pastills
Fruit jellies
aniseed twists
Kathy D
Pink Shrimp!
Liquorice Allsorts
Black jacks, fruit salads and cola frosties
Black Jacks!
Wine gums!
Flying Saucers!!!
Fizzy strawberries
Drumstick & double lollies 🙂
real turkish delight
wine gums or love hearts 🙂
all of them! I like drumstick lollies a lot!
Milk Bottles!
Foam bananas. Mmm.
black jacks
drumsticks there the best!
oooh that’s a hard one.. hmmmm… i will have to go for Fruit Salad sweets
love hearts
ooh love refresher bars , yum yum, thanks for the chance to win this xx
karen cowley
jelly babies
Like Dumbledore, sherbet lemons.
cola bottles x
cherry lips
Love hearts!!
I love fizzy cola bottles!
kola kubes
Bon Bons
Sarah Higgins
Aniseed balls
cherry lips are the best
Cola Cubes
cola bottles
love hearts, i love going around my family giving them little love heart messages
Cola cubes (frances hopkins)
liquorice allsorts x
Sherbet lemons or refreshers!
pink shrimps!
Deb Alexander
fizzy cola bottles!
super flyers
cola bottle
Sherbert Lemons
Black jacks
fruit salad
Cola Cubes
Sherbet lemons
parma violets
rowntrees randoms
coconut macaroons
Flying Saucers
Lemon Sherbets 🙂
buttons or love hearts
kay panayi
Candy bananas
sweet bananas x
Drumstick Lollies
Fruit pastiles
Sherbet lemon
Lemon Sherberts
Foam Bananas!
Pink and blue bottles or sherbet fountains!
Floral gums
wine gums, caramel and fudge
Spencer Broadley
I love Fudge, especially when it’s a funky flavour!
That’s a very hard question. Erm Flying Saucers and Midget Gems though I think. 🙂
I love Curly Wurlys.
Flying Saucers
I love parma violets
Cherry lips!
Sour Lemon Drops
cola bottles
foam bananas
Parma violets
I like them all, apart from those horrid spacedisk paper things filled with sherbet yucky!! I go for cola bottles first though, 😉
Marshmallows especially melted ones yum.
Flying Saucers
Ooh chocolate Jazzies – Yummy!! 🙂
flying saucers 🙂
Midget Gems
cherry lips
Haribo Tangfastics!
white mice 🙂
Pink and white mushrooms
Drumsticks, sour sweets, sour lollies. (Most sour things..!) xx
wine gums
refresher chews and cola bottles
dib dabs
Shrimps are definitely the best!
drum sticks
Definitely Jelly Tots!
Love Hearts
strawberry bon bons
Love Hearts, I love fizzy sweeties.
refreshers or love hearts, mmmm.
The chewy heart ones 🙂
double lollies!
Fruit Salad Chews
Fizzy bubblegum bottles, the pink and blue ones.
pear drops
the little cola discs you get in litle packets 🙂
Cherry Lips or Floral Gums
refresher lollies or hard boiled lollies! xxxx
parma violets
cola bottles
Fizzy Cherry Cola Bottles my mouth waters just thinking about them yummy xoxox
Love Hearts
Cherry Lips or those jelly crocodiles or coconut mushrooms Ah too much choice!
strawberries the big chewy ones mmm 🙂
Drumstick lollies 🙂
licorice and treacle toffees
wham bars
midget gems
Saw the tin in Asda today for £4. What a fab Christmas gift!
Strawberry bon bons 🙂
I love Jelly Tots!!
Flying Saucers!
any jellies
cola bottles
Cola Bottles I think 🙂
I love parma violets and vimto sweets!
Love drumstick lollies mmm 🙂
wine gums
I love jelly beans – yum !
chocolate limes…yummy
Drumstick lolly pops
parma violets and refreshers
I love the drumsticks!
cola bottles
King’s (I think that’s the name) Aromatics, a beautiful Scottish sweet which came in three colours, yellow, pink and orange all in the one bag. They also did a packet of brown and pink ones which were hot to taste as well. Miss both of these so much.
Probably clear fruits from Asda.
teeth & milk bottles
White mice
fizzy ones
i love drumsticks
midget gems
Flying Saucers
Parma Violets are the best sweet ever invented!
My all time favourites have to be Black Jacks and Fruit Salads! Eating one and then the other, the tang of licquorice mixed with the fruitiness – I get real pangs of childhood nostalgia when I eat them!
Sweet Hearts and flying saucers
I’ m a big chocolate fan, but on the sweetie front I love Love Hearts!
Fizzy cherries!
drum sticks!
Fizzy Cola Bottles
Flying saucers
Cola Cubes.
I’m a total marshmallow addict
cola cubes
Fizzy cola bottles
White and pink ice creams!
fuzzy peaches
Flying saucers 🙂
chocolate eclairs
jelly babies
Giant cola bottles!
cola bottles
Cola cubes
Pineapple Cubes
Haribo teddy bears 🙂 Yum!
Midget Gems
i love jelly babies 🙂
Parma violets are my favourite sweets 🙂
I used to adore all of the jelly sweets :3
white mice
strawberry marshmallows !
black jacks
Parma violets
drumsticks squashy ones
Fizzy cola bottles
Sherbet Lemons
Nothing beats a drumstick lolly.
any jelly sweet…especially sour ones!
rhubarb and custards 🙂
Fizzy cola bottles
flying saucer
Love hearts 🙂
Black Jacks
Flying saucers!
Flying saucers
strawberry bon bons 🙂 bexy boo on facebook, jane86xxxx on twitter 🙂
Jelly babies
I love jelly eggs
any form of liquorice or refreshers are my favourite.
Fruit jellies
cough candy 😉
Any fizzy/ sour jelly sweets.
Chocolate Raisins
Drumstick lollies :o)
double lollies
flying saucers
flying saucers
Banana sweets
Pear drops
I used to like black bullets, but never see them now. So, second best Bounty Bars
Cola bottles.
red licorice
Milk Bottles
Black Jacks I love em
brazil nuts
Chewing nuts
I Love green sweets :S I know its very odd but I <3 nearly every green sweet I have tasted ( except the snot ones from jelly belly) so my favourite sweets are any green one :D
Refreshers and Cola Bottles.
Strawberry BonBons
Jelly Tots!!! Why can I never seem to find the tubes of them at Christmas anymore? My stocking always used to have a tube of jelly tots in it for me so its just one of those little traditions I like to follow at Christmas for my kids!
Love Blackjacks
Black Jacks
Fruit salads 🙂
Fruit salads 🙂
Lemon bon bons
Cola Kubes
flying saucers yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
I love jelly sweets!
I love any and all chocolate! I also love anything liquorice!
I love rhubarb and custards, although judging by the lack of sweets leftover from last night’s halloween stash (and bearing in mind we didn’t have that many little monsters at the door) you’d think it would be any and all – oops!x
Lemon Sherberts
sherbet pips
has to be love hearts
Cola cubes!
I love fizzy fish! 🙂
Parma violets are my weakness haha x
Pink shrimps (I used to love spangles, wish they would bring them back) x
Uncle Joe’s Mintballs
strawberry bonbons
Black jacks
Wine gums
Wine gums
Toffee bonbons!
toffee bon bons
Foamy Bananas
Cola bottles x
Drumstick Lollies are AMAZING! Yummy!
Strawberry bon bons! nom nom nom
Strawberry bon bons. nom nom nom xx
Drumstick lollies
love hearts
cola cubes
cola cubes
white mice
Rhubarb and custards 😛
I love Parma Violets! 🙂
I love chocolate nibbles, I can eat a whole bag at once
Refresher bars
Black bullets
rhubarb and custard
Anything fizzy!
I love all sweets so thats a difficult question yo answer! Today i think the answer is probably curly wurlys! (Nikki Reynolds)
Wine gums
love all of the old fashioned sweets as they take me back when i was a child fruit salads pink foam shrimps pink chocolate blackjacks flying saucers etc so delicious traditional always the best
Strawberry Sherberts
Strawberry Sherberts
Parma violets
Jelly wellies
cola cubes
flying saucers
Aniseed balls
midget gems
midget gems
Turkish delights
anything fizzy and sour
cant pick between three its got to be either cola cubes, love hearts, or palmaviolets
Fudge 🙂
coconut mushrooms
Cola Cubes
Strawberry Astro Belts mmmmmmmm
It’s a hard choice but probably chocolate bananas
Love Hearts
Pint pots or beer bottles as I call them!
milk bottles
Pink shrimps…been my fav for 20 years!
cola cubes
Mine has to be double lollies xx
Mine has to be double lollies xx
Haribo gummy bears mmmm!
fried eggs xx
Milky bottles
Giant Strawbs and pear drops (sorry couldnt choose) x
lovehearts- love reading the cute little messages 🙂
Love Parma Violets
chocolate limes 🙂
Chocolate Buttons
cherry lips!
jelly babies or Turkish delight
following on Twitter as @arranmum
I love clarnico mint creams <3
I love Clarnico Mint creams <3
Parma Violets
love hearts
My favourite sweets are Fizzy Cola Bottles
chewy the betterlol prob black jacks
My fav has to be Refreshers
My Fav has to be Refreshers
That’s a difficult one to answer. I am fond of so many, presently I think :- Liquorice Allsorts. Though I do love :- Jelly Babies, Sherbet Lemons, Lemon Bonbons, Marshmallows etc,etc.
Great Prize
Rachel Craig
jelly babies
Pink shrimps!
I love strawberry bonbons 🙂
Rhubarb and custard
Fizzy rainbow belts
Love hearts, I don’t look read them I eat them in bulk.
Drum sticks
I love Refresher Chews 🙂
Wine gums
Sherbet fruits
I love Strawberries and Cream and also Rhubarb and Custard 🙂
Rhubarb and custards 🙂
Fruit salad
Blackjacks 🙂
Cola Cubes 🙂
Voice Tablets.
jelly babies
jelly babys
Mint imperials
Parma Violets
hmmm thats a hard one as there is loads i like lol, but if i have to pick it would be drumstick lolly
Rhubarb custards 🙂
Cola bottles
pink shrimps
chocolate limes
cola cubes
Dip dabs
Cola cubes
Haribo Rings
Wine gums/Haribos
Clove Satin boiled sweets
Flying saucers
Love hearts. I’ve been married for 36 years and my husband still occasionally leaves me a love heart on the table. Mind you I have to be quick now and beat my son and grand child to it 🙂
Strawberry bonbons
Oh dear it’s hard to pick as I love sweets! Flying saucers, chalk lollies or liquorice! Yum yum x
Coconut mushrooms
Aniseed Balls
Giant Strawberries
Jelly Beans
Sugar coated Fruit jellies
Chocolate Limes
milk bottles
lisa ann tebbutt
Turkish delights
Soft eating liquorice
White mice
Drumstick lollies 🙂
Rhubarb and Custard
Parma Violets are my all time favourite!xx
fruit jellies
cola bottles non fizzy!
Oh wow what a question… I love all sweets but if it comes down to choosing one then it will have to be Jazzies.
Keeley Shaw
Black jacks
Mint Imperials
fizzy cola bottles 😉