The Play Trail

I featured Moors Valley in last weeks #countrykids with the Stick Man trail.  This week we were back, only this time to do the Play Trail.

We haven’t done the play trail at Moors Valley since April time and we were looking forward to trying out some of the new equipment.  Abbey’s boyfriend Paul joined us for the fun and was immediately made to join in the fun by Isaac and Eliza.  At this point Kian was sulking as he wanted to stay at home, but he soon came around!

Eliza is straight into the puddles

Eliza headed straight for the puddles, some which were a little deeper than anticipated, but it was all part of the fun.  We stopped occasionally to pose for photo’s although it soon became obvious that photo bombing was far more fun!

Moors Valley

The kids raced through the Ant Hill in record time because they were eager to try out the new Arabian Castle – I can’t blame them – it’s stunning!!

Moors Valley
Abbey claims it as hers

Eliza spent ages running through the castle and sliding down the fireman’s pole at the rear, over and over again, whilst Isaac preferred to climb.

Climbing high

Big brothers are there to catch you!

When they were finally persuaded away from the Arabian Castle it appeared jumping was the new challenge of the day.

Play Trail

Jumping off tree stumps, over puddles, you name it, they jumped it!

The next item on the play trail was the snake which is fun to climb, but crawling inside is better!

Isaac pretends he is being eaten
Remember the sulky teen………tell me this isn’t a photo of someone having fun?

Play Trail

The next part of the trail led to some toadstools………..

before finding some rather large spiderwebs, which Eliza wasn’t too sure of until Abbey dashed in to help.

Play Trail

Kian’s challenge was to get from one end to the other without touching the floor!

Play Trail
It’s easy Mum!

 There may have been a bit of monkeying around too!

Play Trail

Play Trail
Kian hits a tricky bit

Play Trail
Almost there

 Isaac wonders what all the fuss is about!

Play Trail
Once that spider web is completed we head off to the wooden web, where there seems to be some horse play going on……

Play Trail

and a giant wooden spider.


The next challenge was balancing and Eliza couldn’t wait to try it!

Play Trail
It finally dawned on Abbey that in all the years that we have been coming to Moors Valley, we were never really holding onto her, merely guiding her across the narrow beam.

Play Trail

Isaac and Eliza did the balance beams in record time with minimum help and then it was time for the final challenge.  The little ones had to complete the maze……..


whilst Kian took on the ultimate climbing challenge…..

Play Trail
which was even harder as everything was a little damp and slippery.

Play Trail
The photo’s don’t show how high it was!

Play Trail

Mission complete, it was time for the park and Sebastian experienced a swing for the very first time.

I think he enjoyed it

Eliza did some bouncing……..


and we waved to the train……

Sebastian did some flying……..

Play Area
and just to prove I was there too, I let Kian take charge of my camera (briefly)!

I love Moors Valley in the autumn as the colours are spectacular and you get the added bonus of trying to catch falling leaves and scrunching them under your feet.

The moral to this post is – if you have teens drag them out with you, they moan and groan but they will love it as much as the little ones do in the end!  A bit of fresh air works wonders!

I am linking up with Coombemills Country Kids, why not share your adventures too.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

12 thoughts on “The Play Trail”

  1. Looks great fun – and you’re so right about the teens! (OK so mine is 12, but he’s not far off!). Lovely photos – and you and Abbey look so similar!

  2. Oh dear, I wish I’d not shown Spud this blog post as he’s now dying to go to Moors Valley too! Unfortunately we live in Cheshire so it’s a bit too far for us to make a day trip to 😀 Great photos

  3. Looks like so much fun! Agree wholeheartedly about teens, once you’ve got them there they soon join in and forget all about how they’re far too grown up for all that 😉 x #CountryKids

  4. With three teens and counting I know exactly how you feel, and it’s true – no matter how old they still like to play. Great photos of some lovely family fun, it’s so sweet to see how they were helping each other and get on so well. Sebastian is gorgeous and has a beautiful smile. Thanks for linking up and sharing your fab outdoor fun with Country Kids.


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