Peep! Peep! Join your favourite engines on the Island of Sodor as Thomas & Friends prepare for a magical Christmas celebration in this new two disc DVD collection. Available from Monday 28 October, Thomas & Friends: Merry Christmas, Thomas! includes six fun and festive episodes.
Its full steam ahead as Charlie discovers how much fun snow can be, whilst Percy gets covered in so much snow that Thomas cannot find him. Salty doesn’t have time for presents and parties until Edward finds him the perfect gift, and the engines compete to find the perfect Christmas tree.
Little ones can also enjoy several DVD extras including guess-who puzzle games and a Down at the Station video explaining how real engines turn and change tracks just like Thomas. Thomas & Friends: Merry Christmas, Thomas! also comes with a special bonus DVD, Big Bang Surprise, containing five additional episodes. It’s the season for Christmas magic with Thomas & Friends!
Isaac and Eliza both enjoyed this DVD and it is the current choice of film before bed. A lovely Christmas collection to get my little ones in the mood for the up coming festivities!
Isaac and Eliza both enjoyed this DVD and it is the current choice of film before bed. A lovely Christmas collection to get my little ones in the mood for the up coming festivities!
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