Project 365 – Week 52

I have done it!!

A picture for every single day of 2013 and here are my final entries:

356.  Our first full day on the farm at Coombe Mill and Isaac got to drive the tractor with Farmer Nick.  How proud does he look?

Farm Holidays Cornwall
357.  Sebastian didn’t like being put in his new baby carrier, however once he was hoisted onto Daddy’s shoulders he loved being able to see everything going on around him.

Coombe Mill

358.  It’s Christmas Eve and the kids were surprised by a special visit from Father Christmas on their train ride at Coombe Mill.  They even got a present (or two) each.

Coombe Mill
359.  It’s Christmas Day and someone got a new lens for their camera (ME!).  Here is my very first photo with it and I couldn’t wish for a better one!

Coombe Mill

360.  Boxing Day say Eliza get her turn at driving the Tractor.  I am not so sure that I would have been as relaxed as Farmer Nick!

Coombe Mill
361.  Today we said goodbye to Coombe Mill and all our new friends.  Eliza gained an honourary big sister in the process – Mediocre Mum’s daughter M!

Coombe Mill
362.  Home sweet home and the kids get to open the presents we couldn’t fit in the car!

Christmas 2013

363.  After spending the last week in the great outdoors, staying in just wasn’t an option so we headed to Christchurch with Abbey and Paul to feed the ducks and mess around.


364.  We headed to London to the O2 to see Disney On Ice to review Seatwave’s click and collect service.  What an utter disaster – 3 hours to get there in the torrential rain and high winds and the O2 had no record of our tickets.  Luckily there were a few other bloggers / journalists in the same situation and we stood up on mass and the O2 kindly stepped and gave us tickets – albeit ones in the gods and I spent the whole time trying to stop Eliza climbing over the edge so she could get a better view!


365.  Whilst at Coombe Mill the lovely Chrissie (Mediocre Mum) introduced the kids to home made waffles.  They were such a hit I found a waffle machine in the sales and here was my first attempt at making our own.  They were a success!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and I look forward to sharing our adventures in 2014.

A big thank you going out to all of you that have viewed and commented on my blog this year and to theboyandme for hosting this fabulous linky!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

18 thoughts on “Project 365 – Week 52”

  1. A wonderful post Kara – it sounds like you had the best time at Coombe Mill too. Well done taking a photo a day, I’m not sure I can do that – would love to though. Happy New Year lovely x

  2. Well done for keeping up with Project 365 – it feels like a big achievement doesn’t it! What better way to end the year than with some great photos of your Christmas at Coombe Mill 🙂

  3. what wonderful photos and so nice to see your christmas at coombe mill – what a great way to celebrate it! it sounds like you had a busy time – not much time to relax at home but you are such a good mum at getting all your children out and about 🙂
    happy new year to you and yours and thank you for your kind words on my blog about B and that thing he did!! x x

  4. Congratulations on finishing your your 365! I dont think I made it past the first week! Oops! Happy New Year lovely!! X

  5. The photos with your new lens are cracking! Such wonderful clarity and the depth is great. Love the one of Eliza and Chrissy’s daughter.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365 this year and well done on completing the year. Will you be with us again in 2014?

  6. well done on finishing the year. Coombe Mill looks magical and to get to ride the tractor must be a great experience for the children,
    That was a brilliant first picture, a lens well bought I would say. I have a notion for a waffle maker.


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