
I hate rudeness!

I have taught my children to be polite and honest and most if the time they are and if for whatever reason they are rude, I will make them apologise.

I am feeling particularly aggrieved at the moment and it isn’t a shop or member of staff making me feel this way……’s family.

I always make a huge effort with presents, I don’t spend a fortune but I do make sure that people receive what they would want or use.  I will admit that this year was very different from the rest as we went away and this did cause tension with one side of the family.

They refused to take their presents before we left, preferring to open altogether when we got back…….that is fine, I actually would have preferred that anyway – but, we returned and despite many efforts to contact them, they won’t reply and on the day they arranged to come round they didn’t show up!

We even had our presents from them dumped on our doorstep.

The kids have opened their presents as there is no way they would wait with them in the house, so we have phoned to say thank you – no answer!

Left messages………no reply!

We have popped round to say thank you (and to drop their presents round).  They refused to even speak to the children – talk about petty and rude!  Why blank the children, it is not like it was their fault we weren’t here!

Now, we have no response for their presents, presents I spent a long time choosing and in one case designing so it would be just perfect.  I am half expecting to see it at the dump if I am honest.

Next year I am not even going to bother!


37 thoughts on “Rude!”

  1. oh that is so rude! Can they not be happy for you that you won the chance for a holiday over xmas, which was a lovely opportunity for you all!!! Families can be very annoying at times!

  2. oh that is sad. I feel your pain, but can’t say too much as we still have visitors 😉 only advice I have is take a deep breath and thank the Lord they don’t live with you 😉

  3. I can’t understand this age group, I would think grandchildren should come first but with my dad, it’s him first, sod the rest of you!! Sadly he’s the only grandparent still with us.

  4. Parents sometime are the worst – sorry you have to deal with them. BUt as you say next you know not to worry and focus on people who care.

  5. Maybe you should post a link to your blog through their door?!! Oh the stories I could tell you about my inlaws…I’m trying to not even think about them any more…I prefer it that way so maybe you could try that?!

    • Not sure they would appreciate that – I was asked to remove their pics from my own personal Facebook page of them at Seb’s christening – I shared so everyone could download their photos!

  6. Oh that is not nice at all – particularly when there are children involved – hope you manage to find some kind of truce with them 🙁

  7. That sounds very peculiar! Did they say why they didn’t show up to open the presents all together? Hope they’re at least a bit nicer to the children when you see them next.

  8. Oh my god. That’s terrible and so rude and petty on their part. The worst is ignoring the children 🙁 really sad. I hope you had an amazing Christmas despite it though x

  9. It’s horrible to think of grown ups being so petty, especially over Christmas. I can understand why you are so annoyed, I would be feeling exactly the same. I hope your children haven’t picked up on it too much.

  10. Oh gosh, yes very rude and how sad. What is up with some people, I just have no idea! At least you know you played your part. Happy new year, Mich x

  11. I cannot understand people sometimes but I’ve spent too many hours mithering over stuff like this and have recently realised it isn’t worth it. It’s there loss. Very sad though and to include the children in their pettiness is just mean. Hope you get it sorted x


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