A week full of outdoor fun

This week we have made the most of some better weather and have got out and about on more than one occasion, which made choosing my Country Kids post a little tricky, so I have chosen to include everything.

On Sunday we headed to Poole Park, where we played in the park, fed the ducks and swans and even rode on a miniature steam train.

Poole Park


The Steam Train fascinated Isaac and as it was quiet we got to sit at the front.  The train needed to be loaded with some more coal and water and the driver was more than happy to answer the barrage of questions Isaac was throwing at him.  In fact he talked to us the whole way around the track about what he was doing and how it made the train move, making Isaac’s day!


Poole Park Train


Tuesday saw us heading out to Christchurch which we have been avoiding lately as it was hit badly by the flooding. There was still evidence of the bad weather everywhere, from fallen trees and rubbish left by the falling water levels, to sandbags and huge muddy puddles, but that didn’t stop Eliza having fun.  We hit the park first……..

Christchurch Quomps


before exploring the Quay and the gardens surrounding Christchurch Priory.



Saturday saw my cousin Emma visiting from London.  She promised she was bringing wellies so we decided to go to Moors Valley Country Park – those wellies were most certainly needed!

Moors Valley


Isaac and Eliza walked through every puddle they could find and at one point I had to empty Eliza’s boots as they were full of water.

Moors Valley


There was lots of running and jumping happening as we followed the play trail, and Isaac claimed the castle as his own.  We found a fallen tree that was set off the ground and Daddy was bouncing the kids up and down on it.

Moors Valley


The kids loved showing Emma all the fun places to go and weren’t scared of exploring every inch of Moors Valley despite the mud.  Eliza did take a tumble into a particularly sticky mud patch and silly Mummy left the changing bag in the car (note to self – take it with you next time).

Moors Valley


Once we had finished the play trail we headed for the park where we swung and slid and climbed some more!


We even found the Stickman and a giant spider.

Moors Valley


If you are wondering why Stitch is in my photos, Eliza insisted he come but he was left guarding the car so he didn’t get muddy!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

26 thoughts on “A week full of outdoor fun”

  1. What a brilliant – and busy week! That steam train ride looks amazing. How lovely that you had a great driver who answered all the questions! I know that would have made my little boy’s day! x

  2. Love the photos! It looks like everyone had loads of fun and glad the weather cooperated that day. We’ve had a few lovely days too with the sun actually out! Here’s hoping we all have more! #CountryKids.

  3. A packed week of great outdoor family fun! I can see from the photos that all the children had a fab time and really enjoyed all the activities and spending time together. Thanks for linking up and sharing all your family fun with Country Kids.

  4. Fab pics as always! I love how it’s obviously that your cousin is from the city rather the the country just by the choice of coat 🙂

  5. Superb photos. I love your collages. So great that we are all starting to get weather now that doesn’t stop us going out. I loved the blue sky this Saturday and it was so nice this Friday to take part in Country Kids for the first time in months.
    Liska xx

  6. Superb photos. I love your collages. So great that we are all starting to get weather now that doesn’t stop us going out. I loved the blue sky this Saturday and it was so nice this Friday to take part in Country Kids for the first time in months.
    Liska xx


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