Project 365 – Week 23

So, its official………. I am now the parent of a 21 year old!

This week has seen Isaac’s Sports Day with, thankfully, no parents race! and on Friday Abbey turned 21 and we enjoyed a lovely family meal out in the evening.

We have been winding her up about her presents for weeks and I think she honestly thought I had bought her something that she would hate, but after unwrapping some small gifts we surprised her tickets for a VIP Experience at Thorpe Park and the watch she has been hinting at for months!

Here are my pictures this week:

Week 23


152.  Sebastian enjoying the seaside

153.  Having fun in the park after school

154.  Doc Eliza McStuffins

155.  Sack Race at Sports Day

156.  Sebastian got a new car seat and Isaac insisted we turn the box into a castle

157.  Happy birthday Abbey

158.  Watching the Red Arrows at Lymington

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

8 thoughts on “Project 365 – Week 23”

  1. Abbey looks so pleased with her watch! I hope she had the most wonderful day, I just loved her cake. So many great photos too, love the sack race and the red arrows plus the fave has to be Eliza 🙂

  2. Seb looks just like you in that cute photo of him – such a cutie.Abbey’s Frozen cake was amamzing – you did a fantastic job with it and her blonde hair really suits her. ah to be 21 again x

  3. 21!! You don’t look old enough to have a 21 year old. It is scary though isn’t it, O is 19 this year and I have no idea where the time has gone. Gorgeous cake and the photos of the birthday girl are lovely. Liking the cardboard castle too


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