HooToo BlueTooth Keyboard Review

I find writing blog posts on my iPad / iPhone easier than sitting up at the PC but the one thing that frustrates me is the small keypad and I am forever making spelling mistakes.

I have thought about buying a laptop, but HooToo have solved the problem for me!

Introducing the HooToo Bluetooth Keyboard

Compatible with both Apple, Android and Windows products it magically transforms your tablet / phone into a laptop using the magic of bluetooth.

The keyboard is compact, stylish and has a low profile design and has quiet keystrokes.  It also has a 7 color (bright green, soft blue, deep blue, red, soft purple, turquoise, green.) cool looking backlit profile so it can be used in low light.

The keyboard is easy to connect and use.  Simply switch it on and your devices bluetooth, enter a code that comes up on-screen and its ready to go! The keyboard comes complete with a built-in rechargeable lithium battery which holds around 200 hours of charge.

Having this keyboard has meant that I get my computer back as the kids can play their games on the iPad whilst I edit my pics, or I can blog on the sofa whilst they use the PC – win/win!  It has also saved us money because we don’t have to invest in a laptop for hubby’s work as he can take this on the train and use it like a laptop.

bluetooth keyboard

The package includes the HooToo Bluetooth Keyboard,  a USB Power cable and the User Manual.

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