Excitement Overload!

My kids are bouncing off the walls with excitement and have been busy counting down the days to various activities including:

  • School Christmas Fayre
  • School Christmas Party
  • Beavers Christmas Party
  • Soft Play Christmas Party

I managed to duck the Christmas party at Lemur Landings as it was hubby’s Christmas do the same evening, so Abbey kindly stepped in for me.  Isaac won his dancing competition and they all had a fabulous time by all accounts.

Then of course there is our impending visit to Coombemill where we will be staying for Christmas and then Christmas Day itself. It is the first Christmas in a number of years that we will all be together and that is adding to the excitement.

Isaac is like a spinning top bouncing off the walls (literally) and shouting ALL the time, whereas Eliza has become very whingey, moans about everything and had the biggest meltdown I have ever seen whilst shopping as I wouldn’t buy her anything!

I have been a bit stressed, trying to get presents wrapped, food ordered and cases packed but I know it’ll be worth it as  I will relax as soon as we arrive.

The boys are going to have a lovely surprise when they get back too, as my friend is house-sitting and decorating their bedroom whilst she is here.  She has even promised the cleaning fairy may pay a visit and I am half expecting to see the cats struggling to get through the cat flap when we get home as she will spoil them rotten!

How are you coping with the build up to Christmas?

12 thoughts on “Excitement Overload!”

  1. Wow, no wonder you’re stressed, there’s so much going on. As I wrote in a recent blog post about the build up to Christmas in France, there’s almost nothing like that here…certainly none of the parties. How wonderful to be going to Coombe Mill, that’ll be such a great experience. Happy Christmas!

  2. Bless you it sounds busy but well done getting things wrapped! I haven’t even started shopping yet gulp! Saying that I still feel quite calm about it 🙂 x

  3. I love the build up though it’s been manic. I’ve got 5 social events myself this week, let alone trying to fit in all the children’s various festivities!

  4. Christmas is always such a hectic time, isn’t it?? Hope you have a great time at Coombe Mill. It sounds like you deserve a good rest when you get there! 🙂


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