This made me giggle they all look like they are having fun . But your son steals the show as he like look he is having tons of fun pretending to be a rock star x Reply
Rock stars in the making
An early band days photo for the future?! x
Brilliant photo! X
This made me giggle they all look like they are having fun . But your son steals the show as he like look he is having tons of fun pretending to be a rock star x
What fun, total stars!
What a lovely fun photo, they look like they’re having a blast!
hehehe! That made me chuckle…..What a fun photo x
Haha rock stars in the making
Thank you for linking up
I love the expression on your guitarist! So rock and roll =) #MySundayPhoto
What a fun photo of them rocking out together!
I love it! Really made me chuckle, thanks for sharing! x
Love this photo, what a classic!! Definitely needs to be framed!