One of the most important things to look out for when opening a credit account with a catalogue company is the amount of interest that will be charged. Many companies offer interest-free credit for a limited time, although this will differ depending on the retailer. Here are the top 3 interest free catalogues in the UK.
1. Fashion World
Part of the JD Williams group, Fashion World specialise in men’s, women’s and children’s fashion, including footwear and accessories. You will be able to have any items you order delivered directly to your door, and you can spread the cost of your payments over a period of time. The company offers 28 days interest-free credit on many items, subject to terms and conditions. For more details, refer to the official Fashion World website.
2. Jacamo
Jacamo is an online catalogue tailored to men, with many big name clothing brands available. Here you will find clothing in larger sizes than you would find on the UK high street, including up to 5 x large. The company offers an interest-free personal account which you can apply for on the Jacamo website.
You will receive an instant decision about the outcome of your application in most cases, and will receive your welcome documents in the post. The company provide excellent customer service, and can deliver your items to your home or work address.
3. That’s My Style
That’s My Style offer a number of different credit options, including interest-free credit for 28 days when you open a new personal account. The company specialise in ladies fashion, with clothes in sizes up to 34 – much larger than you would find in many high street stores.
Their website is easy to use; just use the navigational options and filter results based on price, size, brand, or colour. Alternatively, use the search feature to be presented with a list of products based on your query in a few seconds.
For a more extensive list of UK catalogues visit Catalogues247. They compare the top catalogues in the UK in terms of their product range and credit options.