I adore Bath Bombs, they are quite an indulgent purchase and I only use them occasionally when I know I can have a peaceful soak without kids hammering on the door demanding a wee, so when we were offered the Fab Lab Bath Bomb set from Interplay to review I jumped at the chance.
There are enough ingredients to create over 12 fabulous fizzy bombs, just follow the illustrated activity guide to see how fun and easy they are to make! The kit also contains wrapping paper, ribbons and gift tags so you can give your fab creations to friends and family.
You get the option to make pink or blue bath bombs by using the different coloured mixture and because it can irritate the skin you are also provided with gloves to where. The trick is not to make the mixture too damp, otherwise it will start fizzing, or make it too dry otherwise it won’t set and we did struggle getting the correct balance.
Once your mixture is ready you pack it into a bath bomb plastic shape by pressing the mixture in tightly with a small stick. The trick is to leave them to set for an hour before you try to remove them from the cast and “voila!” – your citrus scented bath bombs are ready to be used!
The set is recommended for ages 8 and older, although Eliza (4) helped make ours with supervision and thanks to the team at Interplay I have a set to giveaway to one of my readers.
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The nail art set
The invent a scent perfume looks good
I’d love to try the nail art!
the hair lights i could put some colour in my hair and not get told off by my boss as it comes out
the tie dye kit sounds fun.
The perfume one looks fun x
Invent a scent perfume
The perfume set sounds amazing
Rock Bandz
The perfume set.
My girls love bath bombs x
The nail art looks great
the perfume set
The bath bombs lab!
i like the bath bomb set i know it would be fun to make !! and we love bath bombs in our house x
The invent a perfume one!
My daughter already has the soap making set which she loves to do with her dad. So this bath bomb set would be great.
Bath bombs sound fun!
The perfume set
bath bomb set
I would like to try the Bath bomb set
Nail art set
either the tattoos or these bath bombs 😀
The Bath Bomb one – I’d put my son to work making them for my baths! 🙂
The bath bomb one. My son has already said he would like to try it by seeing the advert?! Lol xx
The bath bombs one!
The Bath Bombs seems to be most appealing to me!
Bath bombs. My niece has mentioned she would like it and would enjoy helping her with them!
The Tie Dye Kit 🙂
The bath bomb would be perfect!
i like nail art one
I love the look of Glitter Tattoos!
The Bath Bombs
Invent a Scent perfume 🙂
the hairlights looks good
I like the look of the nail art
The bath bomb one, little one would love it and its something I’ve always wanted to try x
The bath bomb would be brilliant x
WOW the bath bombs would be my first choice! x
The bath bombs
The nail art set sounds wicked!
I would like to try the bath bombs but also like the perfume and nail art.
The bath bomb set! Something i would like to try with my God Daughter.
My daughter would love the glitter tattoos set because she’s obsessed with them.
The tattoo one because i think both my niece and nephews would play with it.
glitter tattoos!
The tie dye one
glitter tattoos!
Other than the bath bombs, I’d like to try the tie-dye.
the tie dye one
I would like to try The Bath Bombs
The bath bomb set, Grotbags would love it x
Rock Bandz
i think my niece would like the hair highlights aswell as the bath bombs
The nail art.x
My daughter would love the glitter tattoos
My daughter would love the tie dye set
The glitter tattoos
The tye dye & the Bath bombs look the most fun
The glitter tattoo set looks great fun! 🙂
Apart from this one, I would love to try the invent-a-scent perfume set x
Nail art please!
The tie dye kit, I used to do it as a teenager and it would be great to show it to my grandddaughter
The bath bombs so I could make them with my niece Dolly!!!
the glitter tattoos would be great x
Would love to try invent a sent perfume scent…this sounds delicious…I remember having something like this when I was young…loved it
Glitter tattoos!! X
Paracord Survival Bands
should satisfy both genders of grandchildren
Glitter tattooes would be good fun
Tie dye kit.
I would actually like to try this one the most. My daughter loves bath bombs and I’ve often thought it would be great to make some together.
Invent-a-Scent Perfume
I would love the tie dye kit
The paracord wristbands sound really useful as well as fun
Tye dye kit please xx
The Perfume set looks fab but we all adore bath bombs so the Bath Bomb set would be perfect.
I would love to try the nail art, after a bit of a battle getting both my girls to stop biting their nails they both love having them painted x
The nail art looks amazing <3
The nail art kit looks lovely
Invent-a-Scent Perfume looks like a lot of fun
I think my daughter would love the invent a scent perfume 🙂
the invent a scent looks good
the perfume set
I think my wife would love the invent a scent!
The Style Lab
It would be the Bath Bombs, a great thing for kids to make as presents at christmas.
The invent a scent would be brilliant 🙂
Either the nail art or the bath bomb one. Xx
My nieces would love nail art as we like sparkly nails.
They all look great but I think the Tie Dye kit looks like lots of fun! x
I’d love the Bath Bombs
The tie dye kit would be a fun blast from the past.
Bath bombs
The Nail Art one would be fab!
Kids would have a great rainy afternoon creating bath bombs for their grandmother. Fantastic!
I have a feeling the Glitter Tattoos would go down well with my kids
the tie dye kit
Bath bombs 🙂
Bath bombs definitely
The bath bombs
the bath bombs or perfume.
My daughter has been going on about the Bath bomb one for a while now
The tie dye. I remember doing this in junior school.
The nail art one x
The Bath Bombs 🙂
Glitter tattoos looks fab!
The bath bombs
The bath bombs
Invent-a-scent Perfume one as my eldest already attempts it by mixing flowers from the garden. Would be nice for her to make something I can actually wear for her.
paracord !
The tye dye one looks fun, always enjoyed it when I was little, although bath bombs would be more fun with my nieces!
The bath bombs
The bath bombs
Nail art! My daughter loves her toe nails painted
The tie-dye kit.
Invent-a-Scent Perfume
the kids would love the glitter tattoos. I’m not sure my carpets would.
The tie-dye kit looks good
The bath bombs
The glitter tattoos or the bath bomb set
the Bath bomb set
The Tie Dye 🙂