Good Morning and welcome to this weeks #satcap.
Simply pic a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!
In case you missed it, last weekend we were at Camp Bestival and with over 1,000 photographs taken I have a few possible #satcap entries, most featuring my resident face puller Isaac.
It was a tough choice but I think this one is my favourite funny face!
Can you caption it?
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I am not sure why she is making me wear this hat, she says I get extra pocket money though… 😉
Call me a clown witch, I will make you laugh into a frog 🙂
I think that last magic potion was a bit off, it tasted really funny… hope it’s not done anything to my hair…