The Clangers is a British stop-motion animated children’s television series of short stories about a family of aardvark-like creatures who live on, and inside, a small moon-like planet. They speak only in whistles, and eat green soup supplied by the Soup Dragon and blue string pudding. It is a program I remember watching as a child and now it is back, after a revamp, on CBeebies and we have to make sure it is downloaded to our iPad for long car journeys as it is the one program Isaac, Eliza and Sebastian will all sit and watch together.
Now you can make up your own Clangers stories with the Clangers Home Planet Playset!
The playset comes with a moveable telescope that can be put in several different locations, a hammock and one Granny Clanger figure.
Lift up the dustbin lid and there’s a slide down to the the Living Cave, or put Granny in the swinging hammock. You will also find bed caves, soup wells with pop up Soup Dragon and Mamma’s garden.
The set is scaled for play with other Clangers Little Character figures and vehicles and we also received a family pack of figures to make play time more fun.
My son is a big fan of playsets and little figures so I’m sure he would like this.
What a lovely little playset! This is something my daughter would really like
I love The Clangers, this is a great little set and perfect for taking out and about for any Clanger lover
This is amazing – I can’t believe the Clangers are coming back so cool! x
I’ve been stuck with what to get my little nephew for Christmas so this is now on the ‘maybe’ list. I just need to check with my brother because I don’t see them very often and I wouldn’t want to buy a duplicate present!
I used to enjoy watching The Clangers as a child – this plates looks like great fun for little ones.
My smallest enjoys the clangers but i’m not keen on the silly noises they make. The toys look good though
I am so jealous of all this lovely clanger stuff that’s now around. Wish it had been available when mine were small!