Knowing what to buy for Mothers Day can be a tricky one, especially when your Mum says she doesn’t want or need anything.
The Home Preserving Starter Kit from Ball® is a great gift idea for people who love making their own produce or would love to get into jam and chutney-making without all the hassle! Once your recipes have been created and processed in their jars, they can be stored for up to one year. They also make great gifts for other friends and family if you want to share the goodness around!
The kit (RRP £19.99) includes a preserving rack, jar-lifting tool, bubble-removing tool and 4 x 240ml glass jars with lids and bands plus instructions and recipes for strawberry jam, orange marmalade and basic tomato sauce.
I have a Home Preserving Starter Kit to giveaway to one lucky reader.
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rhubarb jam
Something with apples
Blackcurrant jam
lemon curd or strawberry jam!
Strawberry jam
blueberry jam
Lemon curd or blackberry jam
blackberry jelly jam just like my nan used to make
Some strawberry Jam would be nice
Some nice blackberry jam
ooooh lemon curd yummy!
Wild strawberry jam with home grown wild strawberries.
My favourite – rasberry jam
Any type of berry jam!
Lemon curd!
I hope my mum makes me blackberry jam!
anything she likes, I always love what she makes
Some wild plum jam
Strawberry jam or lemon curd
Some damson jam would be nice,they have loads of damson trees in their garden.
Strawberry jam x
We will collect blackberries and make blackberry jam.
Gooseberry jam I haven’t had that for years
some very thin shred pink grapefruit marmalade!
apiricot jam
Strawberry jam
Strawberry jam and bramble jelly.
Raspberry Jam
I would love some Chilli Jam
Some tomato chutney.
Marmalade or Cherry Jam with Cherries from the garden
Strawberry jam – yum, perfect with some homemade scones
Various chutneys with the fruit and veg from her garden, mmmmm….
My favourite blackcurrant and apple jam.
strawberry jam – we love it and they have a huge strawberry field 🙂
I’d like my son to make me some quince marmalade
I love making preserves with the wild foraged fruit from my garden and local area. Brambles, Apples, plums, pears and gooseberries.
apple and blackberry jam
Lots of strawberry jam!
Some mango chutney would go great on poppadoms.
marmalade- I love it home made
Lemon curd mmmm
Strawberry & vanilla jam
rhubarb chutney – my favourite
Pineapple jam closely followed by real marmalade
blackcurrant or strawberry jam made with fruit from her garden
Her delicious raspberry and plum jam. Though I read someone say they want strawberry and vanilla jam and I quite fancy that too!
Marmalade would be lovely
Orange Marmalade
I would make some fig jam! just got a jam pot for xmas this prize would be amazing
Strawberry jam 🙂
Blackberry and apple jam – we love to go blackberring together
blackcurrant jam lovely x
Lemon curd 🙂
Apricot jam
We have an allotment so strawberry jam.
Lemon Curd, my favourite
Rhubarb Chutney
Her wonderful blackberry and apple jam
Blackcurrant jam.
Lemon Curd
cherry jam
Raspberry jam x
Some rhubarb compote
Her green tomato chutney later in the year.
Rosehip jam, yum.
She always makes lovely redcurrant jelly jam
Some raspberry jam
Raspberry jam x
Raspberry jam x
Jam 🙂
Raspberry jam
preserved garlic – sounds gross – tastes amazing if you can leave it for a looong time before eating.
cherry jam
Strawberry jam
Caramelised Onion Chutney
Strawberry jam
Some jam
Plum jam using the plums from our garden
Lemon Curd xx
Strawberry jam yum yum
my mum makes THE BEST lemon curd ever! Which I then use in baking if I’m feeling organised, or just spread on toast if not 😉 lush
I would love Strawberry Jam but it usually ends up soup. Still lovely though!
Seville orange marmalade
Strawberry please
Strawberry jam
My best friend would hopefully make me some jam from the fruit she grows in her garden
Blackcurrant Jam
blackberry jam
Something using the rhubarb out of her garden with some ginger.
Blackberry jam. There are so many hedges around to forage for them.
blackberry jam 🙂
Definitely some marmalade, home-made tastes so much better than shop-bought
My Mum’s almost 90 and very frail with arthritic hands, so I’ll have to do the making, but I know she will want me to make her some chutney and some lemon curd.
Blackcurrant jam
blackberry jelly jam
I’m looking forward to stinking my kitchen out and making some scrummy red onion chutney.
strawberry jam and then jam tarts
Blackcurrant jam
Strawberry Jam! (Only it’ll be my Dad making it!)
Make us something lovely to tadte
Strawberry Jam
Gooseberry jam
Green Tomato Chutney
mango chutney
Sweet Chilli Jam!
Some strawberry jam
Some sweet apple sauce is always very welcome in our house. x
Hopefully my Granmother would concoct a good old fashioned thick cut marmalade
Some red pepper chutney
Rhubarb jam because we all love it in my house!
Some nice strawberry jam
Strawberry Jam!
Strawberry Jam!
mango jam, yummy x
strawberry jam mm
yummy strawberry jam! 🙂
some cherry jam
Redcurrant jelly using the ones picked from her garden this year!
Strawberry and champagne jam x
Raspberry Jam mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Some lovely raspberry jam
Strawberry Jam
Lots of different chutneys! Would be difficult to choose just one
My number 1 choice would be Sweet chilli jam.
Raspberry jam – yummy
Chilli jam 😀
Chilli Jelly using home grown chillies Fantastic with cold meat and cheeses
lovely lemon curd
Lemon curd and some marmalade
Lemon curd
my mum makes lovely apple and strawberry jam. its delicious on toast 🙂
My step mum makes a lovely damson jam
Fresh Lemon Curd.
Her speciality blackberry and apple jam!
Shredless orange marmalade….ohhh yummy!
Strawberry jam
my mother-in-law makes a delicious green mango chutney, so I’d ask her to make lots as a jar never lasts long in our house
Strawberry jam
Blackberry jam
Strawberry jam hopefully
Some raspberry jam, my fave!
If my mum was able to she would love to make me some marmalade
Strawberry jam
strawberry jam
raspberry jam
I’d love mum to make me some ginger jam!
lime marmalade
My favourite blueberry jam 🙂
whisky marmalade
Strawberry jam
raspberry jam
mango chutney
Some marmalade
I would make my mum some blackcurrant and raspberry jam
I’d like to make something for her but if my mum was making something for us, I’d go for strawberry jam so my two boys would definitely tuck in too.
Strawberry jam
Lemon jam
I’d make something for my mum – apricot jam!
cherry jam with a splash of amaretto!
My mum would get my dad to make some spicy onion preserve – she loves it!
Blackberry jam!
Plum jam and chutney
strawberry jam would be perfect
Blueberry Jam
well my mum passed away when i was pregs with my twins so i would use my home grown strawberries to make Strawberry jam for my dad
Strawberry Jam x
Her famous sugar free apricot jam!
Apricot chutney
Plum jam
I would love some strawberry jam but do you know what I would make some for her!
lemon curd
Plum tomatoes on toast
Raspberry or strawberry jam (we have an allotment with both of these fruits on) 🙂
Plum Jam with plums from her own tree
I’d love jam made from my plum trees
Elderberry cold remedy
Some lovely pickle or chutney would be very good.
Black cherry jam – my favourite!
Raspberry Jam
Marmalade for my toast.
Blackberry jam
Whisky marmalade
Strawberry jam using fresh Strawberries from our garden!
Mango chutney
Seville Marmalade
some strawberry jam from her home grown strawberries
Blackcurrent jelly
lemon curd…yum!!
A sweet onion chutney
ooohhhh would like some beetroot chutney!
strawberry jam would be lovely x
Raspberry Jelly 🙂
Strawberry jam,perfect for making a Victoria Sponge with.
Red onion marmalade
Plum Chutney
Well if she were still around it would be her apple pie
I would look forward to trying strawberry jam,using strawberries straight from the garden x
Mulberry Jam
strawberry jam
Cherry compote. And maybe some caramel sauce!
Strawberry jam
Some of her lovely jam I hope!!
Chili jam
Strawberry jam
raspberry jam
my mother used to make jam and marmalade, i think jam for my grandkids would be my joice probably strawberry
Gooseberry Jam
We’ve a crab apple tree in the garden, been meaning to make crab apple jelly for ages.
any flavour jam
Home made jam,you can’t beat it,whether it’s strawberry,raspberry or blackcurrant.I wonder if you can make mango ?,how good would that be x
strawberry jam yumyum
My mum has a garden and allotment that produces loads of lovely soft fruit every year, so maybe some homegrown blueberry or raspberry jam.
Strawberry jam
When my mum was alive she used to make all her own marmalade.I love to make jam with my young son and we grow our own strawberries so hoping to make some this year
Some of her brilliant quince jelly
Some orange marmalade
Blackberry Jam
I’d love some rhubarb jam – not had that in years!
Tomato and Chilli Chutney
Orange curd. It is so hard to find, and it is delicious!
pear and chocolate sauce
orange marmalade
Strawberry jam
raspberry jam
Nothing – if it can’t be microwaved, she doesn’t cook it! I’d gift her some homemade strawberry jam though!
Blackberry and Apple jam
Ooh some blackcurrant jam would be amazing 🙂 Yum!
Some yummy sweet chilli jam
Spiced plum chutney
Strawberry Jam
her good old gooseberry jam, loved it as a child, shes not made jams for years
lemon curd (and meringues with the left-over egg whites)
Blackcurrent Jam
Blackcurrant jam.
Strawberry jam
Strawberry jam.
My mum is hopeless in the kitchen, I’ll have to make it myself!! Probably plum jam from our lovely plum tree in the garden
Blackberry jam just like she made when I was young.
beetroot chutney
chilli jam
Raspberry jam
Apricot jam
Some Blackbery preserve
Raspberry jam, I love it!
raspberry jam!
some onion marmalade to go with cheese would be fab 🙂
blackberry jam
nothing beats homemade spiced plum chutney especially with cold meats delicious or gooseberry jam lovely
A homemade tomato sauce hopefully!
rose petal jam
Strawberry Jam
Would love try my hand at making some chutney.
Raspberry Jam – my favourite!!
A nice spicy chutney
Strawberry Jam
Some strawberry jam, thanks for the lovely giveaway.
sadly my mum has died but i am a mum and i owuld make jam
My mum has passed away but I would make chutneys and jams for my family which they love 🙂
Jam, she has my nans famous recipes x
Blackberry and apple jam hopefully :0)
We lost my mum 5 years ago but I would love to use this myself to make jams and chutneys. I’ve started growing my own fruit and veg so this set would be lovely.
Blueberry jam yum x
strawberry jam and lemon curd
plum jam mmmmm
Some strawberry jam
A jar of yummy strawberry jam.
Lemon Curd <3 mmmm
Some chutneys would be nice
Fresh strawberry jam nom nom 🙂
I LOVE my mums Quince Jelly
Raspberry jelly would be nice (although lemon curd sounds nice as well 🙂 ).
Raspberry Jam – my favourite
strawberry jam
any type of jam or chutney
Plum jam made with plums from our tree in the garden
Blackberry Jam would be cool!
ginger jam
Blueberry jam!
Mango pickle
Mulberry Jam
Strawberry jam with white chocolate
Strawberry jam
I’d love it if she made some home made chutney – hers is the best!
Raspberry jam
Gooseberry jam. You never see it anymore!
Strawberry jam
blackcurrent jam and lemon curd
OH yes please i would be so grateful to win and review this item
strawberry jam
Lemon curd – yummytastic
Lots and lots of jam.
Lemon Curd, me and my mum love the stuff x
Rhubarb and apple jam
Strawberry jam. We always go to the ‘pick your own’ in June/July so it will be lovely to make our fruit last right through winter.
Some marmalade would be lovely!
apple and rhubarb jam