Eliza turned 5 last week and top of her list for her birthday was her first bike and we didn’t disappoint her. Choosing the perfect bike is a minefield and we looked at various styles and sizes before we settled on the Emma Bike from Smyths Toys which was a bonus half price in the January sales.
Eliza couldn’t wait to get out on it, but being at school meant she was restricted to the school runs for the first few days but once the weekend was here we decided to find somewhere where she could really test it out. I loaded up the car with Isaac and Eliza’s bike plus Sebby’s scooter and headed over to Potterne Park in Verwood.
Potterne Park is perfect for learner cyclists with wide concrete pathways which lead all the way to Moors Valley and The Wheels skate park for more experienced riders which features a concrete bowl and a dirt track. Of course it has the added bonus of a large play area and equipment includes a Tunnel, Swings, Seesaw, Spinner bowl, Toddler Multi-Play unit, Puppet rocker, Climbing frame, and Flexus.
We met up with my friend Joanne from Charlie Moo’s and set off on our walk. I had half expected to have to push Eliza most of the way as she built up her strength but the encouragement of cycling with her brother, Charlie and Olive saw her shooting off into the distance.
Isaac only learned to ride without stabilizers at the end of the summer and hadn’t yet mastered how to get started himself as hasn’t had much practice since. After a couple of pushes from me and regaining his confidence he was off and starting off all by himself.
The kids cycled about a quarter of a mile to the first bridge where we stopped for a rest and played a game of pooh sticks. It was clear that Eliza and Olive were both a little tired so we decided to head back towards the play park which gave them an added impetus to cycle back.
We arrived at the park with clearly exhausted small children, but something about seeing play equipment seems to give them an added burst of energy and we stayed and played for another hour.
I am hoping that a few more days out like this will build Eliza’s strength and it wont be long before she is riding without stabilizers too.
Great photos and video. You can tell Eliza loves the bike! Potterne Park looks lovely too, it’s amazing how a play area can get them so excited.
this looks lovely; the park and the bike. I’d love a green space like that near us x
Ooh great timing for a post – Our youngest is 5 in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if a bike might be an idea. Potterne Park looks a fantastic place to ride – we tend to head to Delamere Forest for bike rides and muddy fun!
Aww glad she had a fab time! I miss going cycling – I used to cycle all the time as a kid. Should give this a go again 🙂 x
Its an amazing time when you can teach them such an amazing skill. And such a cute bike too x
IT looks like you had a lot of fun. We really need to get my son riding without stablisers now but his current bike is too small.
awwww I cant wait to teach Dominik. The girls took to their bikes really quickly, but he much prefers his scooter. Love her little helmet!
We need to buy H a new bike – with spring approaching we’ll have to do that. Looks like Eliza found the perfect place to try hers out.
Wow I can’t believe Eliza is 5, at school and cycling a bicycle, the time passes too fast! Looks like she will be catching up with Isaac and his no stabilizers before you know it. A great place to learn too and perfect to have friends and a play area to finish with too. Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids
Happy 5th Birthday Eliza! Looks like she had a lovely time testing out her bike which looks amazing!! x
What a great place to learn to ride a bike!
We taught ours at the park which had bumpy paths and lots of people around so it took a while 😉
Looks like you had a fab time. I remember those little bikes. We have just got Maxi a new bike!
She looks like she had a lot of fun, nothing like the freedom of a bike
What an awesome place to try out her new bike Kara – looks brilliant there. I LOVE her helmet, that’s so cute!
Ah bless her, go Eliza! And that helmet is immense, where’s it from?? It looks like a lovely day out with good friends. x
I got it from Smyths Toys, it is fabulous isn’t it!
wow she looks like she has had the best time ever! so cute