Have you see the film The Good Dinosaur?
We went to see it yesterday and it was Disney Pixar at its best. Luckily for young Arlo, his parents and his two siblings, the mighty dinosaurs were not wiped out 65 million years ago. When a rainstorm washes poor Arlo downriver, he ends up bruised, battered and miles away from home. Good fortune shines on the frightened dino when he meets Spot, a Neanderthal boy who offers his help and friendship. Together, the unlikely duo embark on an epic adventure to reunite Arlo with his beloved family.
Tomy has released some fabulous toys to coincide with the film and we were sent an Arlo mask and Galloping Butch to test out.
With Arlo’s mask you can see a pre-historic world through dinosaur eyes. Isaac loved getting into character with this mask which fits securely on your head with an adjustable strap. There is another strap that goes under your chin that makes the mouth move when yours does, opening and closing as you roar or chomp just like Arlo, however it didn’t work with the kids as the strap kept slipping off their chin so they pulled the straps instead. I managed to get it to work on me though!
Galloping Butch is a rugged Tyrannosaurus Rex. This intimidating rancher is a cattle rustler’s worst nightmare, seeing off the likes of Bubbha to protect the herd of longhorns. This motorised version sees Butch gallop along after his prey, roaring as he goes and snapping his jaws! Superbly finished down to the scars on his face left by previous encounters, Butch moves and sounds just like he does in the film, although we had expected him to gallop across the floor at first.
To make him roar and talk simply move his arms down and to make him gallop press the button on his tail! The best way to explain how he works is to show you.
I would definitely like to see this film especially since I am a huge fan of Pixar and the heartwarming story of a lost protagonist always warms my heart.
I know a little dino mad boy who would love them! We loved the Good Dinosaur, but it really made me blub at the end!! x
I’ve been thinking about taking my daughter to see this as she’s a huge dinosaur fan. And Pixar is always a winner (even if I usually end up fighting back tears…)
We loved watching the good dinosaur! (i cried, he didn’t :p) these are so sweet! not sure he would wear the mask though, he has a thing about stuff on his face :p
I can’t wait to go and see this film now.
I must admit as the children have got older I’ve become less enthusiastic about big plastic toys so these probably wouldn’t be on my list but with any good Pixar there is always lots merchandise to accompany it!
I havent seen or heard this, might have to investigate with erin over half term.
I haven’t seen it – but I definitely want to! I love dinosaurs. 🙂 #toytuesday
We’ve not see this yet, but it’s on the list. I love these toys though, and it sounds like your kids did too
We are most probably going to watch this during half term – we may tie it in with a visit to the Natural History museum to see some dinosaurs too.
We haven’t seen this film yet, but I suspect Pickle would love it so much. Great toys – he loves dinosaurs 🙂 Kaz x
We are hoping to see The Good Dinosaur this week, the children have been going on about the film since the adverts appeared on the TV. I love the new toys from Tomy, the Arlo mask looks good fun #ToyTuesday
We were sent these too, thanks for clarifying how they actually work!
Thankyou for linking up to #toytuesday