Bedtime with Sebastian is a nightmare, every time we think we have finally got him into a routine and he goes to sleep and stays in bed all night, something changes and he is back to waking several times a night and back in bed with us.
We have been challenged to try the JOHNSON’S® 3-step clinically proven routine which can help baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
We have received JOHNSON’S® Bedtime Bath, Wash, Lotion and Oil to use during the first two steps of the routine and the ‘Good Night Sarah’ book which we can cosy up and read during quiet time.
- STEP ONE, Bath: Start your evening routine with a warm bath using JOHNSON’S® Bedtime Bath or Wash. Enjoy the bathing experience with your child as it is SO MUCH MORE™ than just cleansing. Bath time is a multi-sensorial playground that offers parents and baby opportunities to connect and bond. In fact did you know?
- Playing with bubbles can help baby develop hand-eye coordination and discover that objects exist even when they can’t be seen.
- Playing music and singing songs can stimulate parts of the brain responsible for memory, while playing certain types of music stimulates parts of the brain responsible for visual imagery.
- Talking back and forth with baby can help with language development. Studies show infants who are spoken with more have larger vocabularies by 24 months of age.
- STEP TWO, Massage: A soothing massage can help make baby relaxed and comfortable at bedtime, a great reason for a post-bath cuddle.
- Start by ensuring your baby is dry and warm. Lay baby onto a soft comfy surface and use a little JOHNSON’S® Bedtime Oil or Lotion, warming it in your hands before smoothing it onto baby’s skin. Start with hands resting on baby’s tummy, then move downwards to massage legs and then move back upwards in small soft circular motions, engaging with eye-to-eye contact with your little one. Watch their reactions and ensure baby is happy throughout the massage.
- STEP THREE, Quiet Time: The moments before bedtime are an opportunity to help baby wind down through reading, singing or listening to music.
- We have been given with the ‘Good Night Sarah’ book created by the makers of JOHNSON’S® to read during quiet time. Once Sebby is relaxed and sleepy I can put him to bed in my usual way.
Check back here in two weeks to see how we got on!
Sponsored blog post by the JOHNSON’S® brand. I have received payment incentive and samples but all opinions are my own. JOHNSON’S® clinically proven bedtime routine consists of bath, massage and quiet time, tested on babies 7 months+, 1 week+ use.
I think a nice calm bedtime routine is the key to a good night’s sleep for kids. My kids used to get each other wound up and they couldn’t get to sleep afterwards. Now we separate them at bedtime and have no problems.
I agree and we always use Johnson to create that perfect relaxing bedtime routine! It works like a treat!
My son never slept when he was younger, a total nightmare so I feel your pain. Even now though bath times help to create sleepy children and we’ve always used lavender oils to try and help. Might have to give this a try, for me too 😉
I need an equivalent but for night wakings up! I can get them to bed but they wake in the night! Xx
We went through a bit of a nightmare time with our little one, when nothing seemed to get him to sleep easily. All of a sudden something clicked and now he sleeps really well. He has a bath most nights, but quiet time never happens … my husband usually ends up throwing him around or playing football, but at 8pm he is always ready for bed. I hope the Johnsons three step system works for you … good luck 🙂
I am a huge lover of johnsons products, my parents used them on me and hope when I have kids I will use them too. Can’t wait to see how this challenge fairs
Being the mummy of an adorable but terrible sleeper 19 months old I’m always interested in reading how these different routines go. Looking forward to reading your post in two weeks time 🙂
Good luck with creating the perfect bedtime routine for your son. I hope this works well for you x
I have always been quite strict with bedroom routine but have to be with 6 kids ha
I really think a bedtime routine is so important, it really helps us to get Boo relaxed and to sleep relatively quickly.
definitely important to stick to a bedtime routine, but you also need to watch what your child is eating and drinking. it’s surprising how many things contain large amounts of sugar which can then make a child feel “wired” so they can’t get to sleep. For example, a lot of yoghurts marketed for children contain far more than just yoghurt and fruit. Although it seems like extra work, it’s worth making your own foods so you can be sure the kids are not having too much sugar and other additives.
We love this stuff! the lotion smells really calming – i definitely don’t use it on myself! (ok maybe a little :p)
Good luck with the next two weeks! This is probably not remotely relevant to your experience but at one stage my elder boy as a toddler was the same and I stopped giving him milk when he woke in the night by ever decreasing amounts of milk from 120 ml down to 20 ml over a week. When he was down to 20 ml he somehow started sleeping through, having lost the habit.
I agree that a routine is key with babies and kids for bedtime. Maxi has always been a dream sleeper (well from 11 months), but Mini fights it all the way. I am not a big fan of Johnsons products for babies though as they are full of parabens or where when m y boys were younger
I love the smell of johnsons although we can’t use it as Emily has a really bad reaction to it. She has super sensitive eczema skin. x
A bedtime routine is really important. We don’t include a bath in our normally as the Toddler gets overexcited by them and then can’t sleep. She loves the bubbles though.
Good luck!! Syd is by far the worst sleeper of all 3 of mine – he does sleep well once asleep, but his natural cycle is to be a later sleeper, late riser – so it is tricky trying to make sure he gets enough sleep in term time!
We use Bedtime Bath and have been for years! It’s great. Good tips for routine! I like a good back rub before I sleep!
I need reminding of this, never mind the small people, I am hopeless when I am going to bed, the phone comes out and then 2 hours later I wonder why I am not asleep x
We’ve always had a bedtime routine that we stick to almost every night. It really helps with helping the kids settle. I’m not sure what we’d do without one!
I love that Johnsons bubble bath, we use it every evening when we bath are little two. I hope that you start getting a full nights sleep soon as their is nothing worse then lack of sleep due to little ones xx
Good Luck – I will be interested to see how you get on – Pickle is being a little monkey at going t bed at the moment! Kaz x