After an epic week in France for half term, this week has certainly been quieter.
We started the week in Guernsey which was, quite frankly, a disaster. The only thing I can say about the island was it was CLOSED for business, even in half term, so we spent the day trundling from beach to beach in the high winds and driving rain. Thankfully the crossing home onboard the ferry was much better and no-one was ill. Isaac even got to meet the Captain.
Poor Sebby came down with Tonsilitis on the Monday and I had two sleepless nights with him with a temperature of almost 41 – these kids really know how to worry you, don’t they?
Wednesday saw Daddy take the kids to their swimming lessons and the one week I wasn’t there Eliza earned her 20m badge after months of hard work and Isaac got his 800m badge!!
By Thursday Sebby was feeling better so came out on the school run and on Friday Isaac finally earned his Doctor Who LEGO Dimensions for excellent behaviour at school and getting celebrated for his number bonds.
On Saturday we had a very a special visit to Thomas Land where we met up with some of my blogger friends and met the Fat Controller himself, much to Sebby’s delight!
Here is my week in pictures:
51. The deserted streets of St Peter Port
52. Poorly Sebby
53. Another day snuggled with my poorly boy
54. Celebrating their swimming badges
55. Racing home from school
56. Very pleased with his LEGO Dimensions reward
57. Meeting the Fat Controller
A pity about Guernsey – I’ve always fancied a trip there. I’ve sure it’s better from Easter onwards.
Shame about Guernsey, but at least you got a smoother crossing on the way back. Glad Sebby is feeling better – tonsillitis is horrible! Well done to Eliza and Isaac for their swimming badges!
Oh no, how disapointing that everything was closed on your holiday and that your little one was poorly too. Lovely to see you had a great end to the week though and a fun day out together.
Such a shame everything was closed! I’m glad Sebby felt better quite quickly and well done to the kids on their achievements!xx
Thats so annoying when that happens, sounds like the rest of the week went well (apart from illness) and to have Thomas Land to look forward to must have been a big bonus. I would have been a very proud mummy with those swimming badges too 🙂 x
Well done for the swimming badges! Thomas land looks like a great day out x
What a week! Well done with the swimming badges!
Poor Sebby. I’m glad he’s feeling better now.
It sounds like you had a great day yesterday x
Such a shame about Guernsey! At least the rest of your week was better, obviously not including Sebby’s illness. #366
Hope Sebby is much better now? I bet a nice quiet week was just what was in order after your busy half term.
What a week, well done on the swimming badges, shame about Guernsey too.
Thomas Land looks so fab – I would love to take my 4 year old! It’s such a shame that your trip to Guernsey wasn’t as you expected. Excellent news on the swimming badges too 🙂 x
Oh dear, what a shame about Guernsey and pesky tonsillitis!
Tonsillitis is awful for little ones isn’t it. I’m so glad he’s better and got to Thomas Land
Hope the kids are feeling better now! Well done on the badges! Such a shame everything was closed on your trip
Hate how places “close” for the season, I suppose I can see their point but it puts people off wanting to go back.
Meeting the Captain sounds exciting.
Nothing worse than kids that are ill, high temperatures are a worry.