What a birthday is like when you are a parent!

Once you get passed the age of 21, birthday’s don’t really matter anymore, well unless it is a big milestone birthday.

Yesterday was my birthday and it was just like any other day, albeit with a stream of facebook “Happy Birthday” comments (thank you if you sent me a message) and a couple of cards and thoughtful gifts to open.

I got a few lovely Happy Birthday messages from fellow Mum’s at the school gates with a “what have you done today question?” but the answer was less than exciting sadly.

So, what did I do for my birthday?

  • The school run
  • A food shop
  • Took Sebby to get a haircut (the usual hairdressers was closed so a real wasted journey and ended up getting it done close to home)
  • Treated us to a coffee and cake
  • The washing
  • Another school run
  • Cleaned up a couple of potty training accidents
  • Diffused a gazillion couple of sibling fights


In fact I was so relieved when Hubby got home from work as I was loosing the will to live with squabbling siblings and a teenager that was intent on winding them up.

Thankfully my day got better from then on and I was instructed to go and have a shower (I did wonder if he was trying to tell me something) and wear something a little smarter.

I was given my present from Hubby and the kids before we went out – a sparkly new Apple Watch which really put a smile on my face. Now I know why he was asking me what my favourite colour was a few days previously.

We put the younger kids to bed and left Kian in charge and headed out to a new restaurant called NEO in the centre of Bournemouth. It even smelled sparkly and new as we walked in.

neo bournemouth

The food was amazing, the views spectacular and the company fantastic and it really cheered me up. It may not have started as the perfect birthday but it did finish that way!

Do you celebrate your birthday’s or prefer to forget about them?

14 thoughts on “What a birthday is like when you are a parent!”

  1. Happy Birthday!! Aww bless your hubby for the lovely treat and the shiny Apple Watch. Birthdays definitely change so much once you have kids. I am determined to have a bit of a spa day (or at least two hours!!) this year!

  2. Happy Birthday!
    It sounds like you had such a lovely evening.
    I don’t really do much for my birthday. I end up with a takeaway and a long soak in the bath if I’m lucky…hehehe x

  3. Happy belated birthday!! All sounds pretty normal for a parenting birthday – my kids are always amazed that I am not more excited by my birthdays! Restaurant looks lovely tho – will have to check it out – glad you got a lovely peaceful meal after a stressful day!

  4. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a really lovely end to a nice but normal day. I try to do or go somewhere new every year on my birthday but as children (and chores) have come along I don’t think I managed it the last few years.

  5. Aw Happy Birthday x So glad you got a nice wee surprise and taken out for a wee break from all the madness that being a mother can bring x

  6. Oh good on Hubby for treating you. I have to say that I am so lucky with mine, as it is so close to Christmas he always takes the day off and we go to York for the day to finish our Christmas Shopping and have afternoon Tea at Bettys whilst my best friend looks after the boys.

  7. Birthdays are SOOOO different when you get older aren’t they. Saying that, my Mum and I have birthdays just two days apart so we always make the effort to have a day out just the two of us which always makes it feel pretty special.

    As for the sibling squabbles, I know you didn’t want them on your birthday but it’s so nice to hear it’s not just my kids who seem to fight non-stop ๐Ÿ™‚

    LOVE your Apple Watch, lucky you xx


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