Sing-A-Ma-Lings Plush Toys Review

Sing-A-Ma-Lings are silly, huggable, singing plush characters.

We were sent Bo and Darcey to review.

Each character has 3 different modes of play!

  • Listen as they Jibber Jabber in their own silly language
  • Harmonize together to form a silly a cappella group
  • Sing their own classic song individually!

To switch between mode simply press their hand and then press their tummy to hear them sing.


Purple Darcey sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and yellow Bo sings Clementine.

They are quite good for teaching the kids timing in songs as you have to press their tummies to get them to sing the words in time, but I have to admit they are a little on the annoying side.

If you have ever been bought a noisy toy buy a well-meaning friend and are after the opportunity to pay them back – these are for you!

Sing-A-Ma-Lings are available in Argos priced at £9.99 and are a part of their 2 toys for £15 promotion.


13 thoughts on “Sing-A-Ma-Lings Plush Toys Review”

  1. Hahaha this made me laugh. This is the kind of thing that my best friend would buy for my children solely to try and drive me insane! They do look like something my kids would love, they have a penchant for irritating toys, but I don’t think I’ll be introducing them to these any time soon!

  2. Oh those two are so sweet! Love the singing 🙂 These look like really lovely toys. Evie would love these…although I think at that age anything noisy is perfect! I love their vibrant colours too. x


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