What a lovely idea, decorating Christmas plates. I have two plates that my eldest children decorated at home about 25 years ago! #Sundaysnap Reply
My kid drew on the wall last night so I’m less than impressed. Not sure I’d tempt him with plates either 🙂 Reply
This look like fun. We have a shop like that just opened up around here. I would love to get my Daughter designing something 🙂 Reply
I love crafts like this and look at that concentration! Little professional artist in the making 🙂 x Reply
What a lovely idea, decorating Christmas plates. I have two plates that my eldest children decorated at home about 25 years ago!
My kid drew on the wall last night so I’m less than impressed. Not sure I’d tempt him with plates either 🙂
Love the concentration on his face
Thank you for linking up
It looks like you were having a lovely time. He looks so deep in concentration x
Are you making a plate for Father Christmas? #MySundayPhoto
He looks like he is concentrating so much! He’s growing so fast too!
Love the concentration in their faces!
I’ve never heard of Silent Sunday before. What a lovely idea. The plate art looks fun.
I love the look of concentration on his face. X
A lovely craft with a lot of thought going into it
This look like fun. We have a shop like that just opened up around here. I would love to get my Daughter designing something 🙂
I love crafts like this and look at that concentration! Little professional artist in the making 🙂 x
Oh, look at his concentration! Love this Sunday Snap – no words needed. Well done Sebby.
There’s plenty of concentration going on with that plate decoration.