The Fugglers are finally here…. Get ready to regret everything!
Let me introduce you to (whether you like it or not), the terrifying yet endearing, mischievous, yet vulnerable, the unpredictable, yet misunderstood …. FUGGLERS!
Whether you love or hate them, you’ll want to talk about these funny, ugly little monsters, as everyone else does!
With a distinctive look and personality there is a unique toothy and weird Fuggler waiting to be found by you! So be afraid, be very afraid as there is your very own Fuggler on its way to you RIGHT NOW, set to sabotage your happiness.
It takes a special kind of human to open their hearts and homes to a Fuggler and we kindly volunteered to make one welcome in our home.
I firmly believe that Norman a.k.a Fuggly has been sent to severely test our patience with his mischievous antics.
He managed to scan himself into the library and caused all kinds of problems, pulling books off shelves, scattering them all over the floor and when he was asked to clear up, he rearranged them all in non-alphabetical order!
Then there was the supermarket incident, where he tried to disguise himself as a packet of Maltesers.
Kids shopping in the store seemed to find his antics rather amusing, but older shoppers were most perturbed by his toothy grin.
Another point to remember, is that if you leave them on their own – don’t leave tech within reach as they will either leave you a dodgy status update, or set themselves up with their own instagram profile. Do check out Karen from Marketing, she is simply brilliant.
Remove your Fuggler from its box with great caution, as you may immediately regret your decision.
Do check out 5 Rules of owning a Fuggler by Whinge Whinge Wine for some hints and tips on Fuggler ownership.
You can get your own Fuggler from Smyths Toys (in store and online) and from Amazon. They come in small (£14.99) or large, 30cm toys (£24.99) and are suitable from age 3 years.
Find out more about Fugglers on
Oh these are something Jack would absolutely love! They may be ugly but they’re also somehow, and a contradiction too, sort of cute!
Oh my word that is absolutely terrifying but kind of adorable at the same time.
Uh oh it looks like your Fuggler is already causing a whole lot of mischief! The naughty thing!
What a fun idea and they are slightly cute too!
I’ve never heard of a Fruggler before but this one is not only funny but so mischievous!! This made me laugh and I know both my kids would love this at the same time
OMG those teeth!!! Definitely ugly, terrifying and strangely adorable at the same time!
I’m sure kids will love these! I agree that they’re terrifying but sort of cute at the same time.
I can’t ever bring myself to get past the teeth! I’m sure my boy would LOVE one of these and insisit I’m taking it everywhere with him!
I absolutely guarantee my sons would love him to bits, but I am not sure I could extend that feeling to myself… His TEETH!!! 😀
Haha this looks great! I love to see the latest kid crazes! xxx
I really happy to see different type of kids.. Haha