Every parent is keen on helping their child excel academically, but kids usually don’t share the same concern. Teens are especially notorious in this and often refuse to do their school work. Although some teens are genuinely demotivated because of learning disorders, some are simply not in the mood for homework. Luckily, you don’t need a degree in psychology to help motivate your child to perform better at school. With these tips up your sleeves, you will do a great job of getting them up and working.
1. Remain positive
You need to remain influential in your child’s life if you are to help them with anything. Stop punishing, preaching, and threatening unless you want to create a rift in your relationship with your child. Always remind yourself that you are on the same page with your kid, and you both desire the same outcome.
It’s especially difficult when your child is retaking A-levels because they did not study hard enough. Instead of reminding them why they need to retake the level, encourage them. Remember, they already feel bad for failing, and continually opening this wound will only make things worse.
2. Let them take charge
Teens are learning to be independent and want to be treated like adults. Instead of being at loggerheads with them, let them take charge. For instance, ask your teen his career choice and how he plans to achieve it. You can also let them choose when to do their homework, as long as they get it done before bed. Also, create a work environment where your teen won’t be distracted by screens.
3. Reward their effort
Praising your child for an outcome is a slippery slope, but you must also encourage them when they do well. Instead of praising the result, reward their effort. For instance, if your teen spends days on a school project, and gets an A, tell them you saw how hard they worked on the project, and you are proud that their effort paid off. Be careful not to do it all the time. Once the habit has been ingrained in your child, reduce the praise. Remember, it’s their job to be responsible for their school work, and they shouldn’t expect to be praised for doing what they ought to do.
4. Encourage them to read
With so much information available on the internet today, it’s common for a teen to rely on technology for their research. While this is acceptable, encourage your teens to spend some time reading books. Studies have confirmed that teens who read score higher on intelligence tests and are more interested in school work. Don’t be too rigid on what they read as long as it’s an age-appropriate book.

Your teen’s academics are as important as their social and emotional well-being. Allow them time to visit with friends, get a job, and have fun at the beach. A balanced child performs better at school.