We love getting out and about in the great outdoors but with a family of daredevils it does come with some risks.
Savlon Healing Gel have recently conducted a survey for the brand which revealed that parents are unconfident when dealing with minor first aid and that 68% of parents worry about their children playing outside!
Savlon Healing Gel’s campaign aims to combat this by encouraging families to play outside and educate them on how to deal with life’s little bumps and scrapes that may come with it.
One of the first things I did as a new parent was to attend a first aid course, to help me to understand what to do in case of an accident and it is something I still keep up to date with.
I have dealt with issues such as choking, a broken arm, various cuts and bruises and even a tic tac wedged up a child’s nose.

When you’re out and about with children, you need to let them take risks, not prevent them, as it is a vital part of their learning journey, and a natural part of childhood.
Obviously you need to avoid serious injuries, but bumps, bruises, cuts and grazes are an unavoidable, and beneficial part of childhood, teaching children how to manage their bodies in many different physical situations.

I have a family of climbers – give them a huge tree, some kind of structure or a wall and they are up there in a flash. They might give me kittens, but they always manage to get back down again, thankfully.

There is one thing I carry with me at all times in my handbag – a small First Aid Kit.
In my First Aid Kit
- Plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes
- small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings
- eye dressings
- triangular bandage
- crêpe rolled bandages
- safety pins
- disposable sterile gloves
- tweezers
- scissors
- alcohol-free cleansing wipes
- Zap it tool for insect bites
- Tick Remover card
- Savlon antiseptic cream
- painkillers such as paracetamol (or infant paracetamol for children),
- antihistamine cream or tablets
- distilled water for cleaning wounds – rinsing eyes

Check out my Amazon Page for more details about the contents of my First Aid Kit.
To treat minor cuts, stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the cut, clean the wound thoroughly and cover it with a plaster or dressing. Adding a light cover of Savlon Healing Gel can help take the sting out and prevent infection.
Savlon Healing Gel has been treating the nations bumps and grazes for over 50 years, with their first aid kit essential antiseptic cream and now have a large range of products to help heal lots of minor injuries.
Disclaimer: This post was written in conjunction with Savlon Healing Gel. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Always good to be prepared! Would have been useful if my mother had had a first aid kit when I was a child
It’s great to get outdoors and have some fun with the kids. It can be harder to do in this weather but I think that makes it all the more enjoyable when it does happen.
I love getting mine outside, it’s so important for them, and for me (and for the state of my house!!)… I keep a little first aid kit in the car with most of the same things that you do, just in case we get caught out! Savlon was always one of the things that I bought in the UK to take back when we lived abroad! 🙂
My kids love being outside too. I always carry plasters as they are pretty accident prone.
I do love to get outdoors with the children, the fresh air does them the world of good. A good first aid box is always a must-have too!
I try to get the kids out as much as possible. It’s too easy for parents to just let them watch tv or ipads. We always have plasters easily accessible as you never know with kids.
A small first aid kit is an essential to carry around – you never quite know when you are going to need it!
There is so much to do outside isn’t there? You definitely need to be prepared though – I remember being very accident prone as a kid.
My nephew is so accident-prone at the moment, my sister in law always has plasters on her, but she could probably do with carrying a first aid kit! x
My kids are so accident-prone (so am I!), and so we always keep a tube of Savlon in the medicine chest, just in case. Often it’s more reassurance than anything (especially when it comes to cat scratches), but it’s good to have.
The weather has been so cold lately but I agree, it’s so important to get outside, even if only for a few hours. I get cabin fever otherwise.
My brother used to fall over loads as a kid and it has made me feel cautious when I see my friends kids roughing it outside, but there’s so much first aid to help and kids learn that way x
We love nothing more than getting outdoors, in the fresh air! Whatever the weather! There’s something about Autumnal walks!
It is great post. Beautiful tips about kids outside life. I like it. Thanks for sharing these information with us.