5 Step Minimalist Skincare Routine for Busy Mums

I have been trying to focus more on my skincare lately, but while I would love to take more time for an extensive and luxurious routine, I just don’t have the time! For busy mums, finding some time to dedicate to self-care can be challenging, and skincare is often not the first thing I would attend to when I do get some time. But thankfully, you can still take great care of your skin with a minimalist routine and have glowing skin.

Here are five steps to take for a minimalist skincare routine that is effective and essential:

1. Cleanse

A proper cleanse at night is an essential step to healthy skin. You don’t want to fall asleep before this step otherwise you risk clogged pores and skin irritation from sunscreen, air pollutants, build-up, and any makeup from the day. Depending on your skin type and sensitivity, a double cleanse with oil first and then a cleanser of your choice for your second wash can help to ensure your skin is clean. Not everyone needs to cleanse in the morning, but you can try a gentle cleanser or micellar water in the morning to remove skincare and impurities in the morning and start your day fresh!

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliating helps to slough off dead skin cells and prep the skin to absorb your next skincare products. If you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliate once or twice weekly. If you have oily skin, you can exfoliate up to three or four times a week. If you choose a mechanical exfoliator, be gentle and do not scrub too hard otherwise it can tear or irritate your skin. The best way to prevent irritations and preserve your skin, is to be gentle but also to use natural products like for example the mineral face exfoliator or the lava scrub sourced directly from Iceland, now available online on the Blue Lagoon European shop.

3. Eye cream

The skin around your eyes is sensitive and is one the first to start ageing. Choose your eye cream depending on your concern, such as fine lines and wrinkles, hydration, puffy eyes, or dark circles.

beauty regime

4. Moisturiser

Moisturiser is essential to healthy skin (yes, even if you have oily skin!) Choose a moisturiser depending on your skin type and budget, and have a couple go-to’s you can reach for each season.

Tip: To lock in moisture, apply your moisturiser to damp skin. You also want to apply moisturiser to your chest and neck in an upward motion.

5. SPF

SPF is an everyday essential, even for cloudy winter days. It helps to protect the skin as well as keep wrinkles and pigmentation at bay. If you want a bit of coverage, you can choose a tinted sunscreen- these kinds of 2-in-1 products are genius for mums on the go that don’t have a lot of time to spare.

There are many other things that one could do to pamper their skin, but you can leave these ‘extras’ for special occasions or when you have more time on your hands. For now, stick to getting your minimalist skincare routine and your skin will be healthy and glowing!

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