Getting the right amount of good quality sleep is crucial for your health, mood and how you feel the next day. During the later stages of your pregnancy, it can be difficult to get a decent night’s sleep, and expecting mothers tend to be the most affected by sleep loss. Finding a comfortable position to sleep in is hard enough, but when this is combined with nausea, foetal movement, frequent trips to the toilet and back pain, getting a good sleep can feel like an impossible task and over time, this can develop into a sleeping disorder.
The best way to avoid developing a sleeping disorder and resting enough is by doing some research into methods that maximise the number of hours you sleep each night. To help you out, here are some tips on how to get a good sleep when you are pregnant.
Change Your Mattress
Your bed will play a huge part in how well you sleep at night, and a key component of your bed is your mattress. If you are aching a lot and feel like your mattress is not supporting you, then you should use a site like The Mattress Guide to find the best beds UK and some of the best mattresses for you during and after your pregnancy. Here, they list some of the top mattresses sold in the UK by looking at factors such as prices and reviews. Investing in a good mattress is worth it and it will benefit your sleep before and after your baby arrives.
Follow a Routine
It is important to figure out and follow a routine that works for you. By doing so, you will get a better night’s sleep and get the most out of your day. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, including the weekends, will make you feel more alert and awake in the day, and tired at night, making it easier to get a good sleep while you are pregnant. You should also have a daytime and bedtime routine set in place, because this will prepare your body for the day ahead and sleep at night.
Do Regular Exercises
Maintaining a healthy weight while you are pregnant is not easy, especially if you are suffering from unhealthy cravings. Unless your doctor tells you not to, you should try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This will release built up energy and will improve your mood and circulation, which will make it easier for you to fall asleep at night. You should try to carry out your exercise regime during the day. If you prefer exercising later in the day, then you should try some light exercises.
Cut Back on Nightly Fluids
Drinking plenty of fluids and keeping ourselves hydrated is important, especially when you are pregnant. Ideally, you should be keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day, rather than drinking your daily dose of water all at once. Pregnant women usually need to use the toilet more frequently and if you need to go during the night, it will disrupt your sleep. To avoid late night trips to the bathroom, you should try cutting back on drinking fluids at night.
Avoid Aggravating Foods
There are a number of different foods that can aggravate our digestive system and make us feel uncomfortable, including spicy food. If you eat spicy food before bed, then you will increase your chances of experiencing a bad tummy and heartburn. You should also avoid eating heavy meals before you go to bed, because your body will be working hard to digest your food during your sleep. This will reduce the amount of time it spends to repair your body for any activities you carry out the next day.
Try Different Positions
If your baby is leaning against your spine or an organ and is making you uncomfortable at night, then you should try sleeping in different positions. Laying on your left side is recommended during the third trimester. Using pillows that are designed for pregnant women can do the world of good at night. If these positions aren’t working, then you should avoid lying in bed for hours. Instead, you should get out of bed and carry out an activity that relaxes you, like writing, reading or taking a warm bath.
Take Short Naps
When it comes to getting a decent night’s sleep, naps are usually a no, because they can disrupt your regular sleep cycle, which will make sleeping at night harder. However, naps can be beneficial for pregnant women, especially if you are feeling comfortable enough to be able to get some shut eye. If you do choose to take a nap, it’s important to remember that they should be no longer than half an hour long and you shouldn’t take one close to bedtime.
Following these tips will improve the amount of good quality sleep you manage to get each night while you are pregnant. It is important to rest properly during this time and try to get the most out of sleeping before your baby arrives. Consider complementing your mattress with pregnancy pillows, which are designed to provide targeted support to alleviate the strain on your back and hips.